Bad News | Teen Ink

Bad News

December 6, 2018
By Screenager BRONZE, New York City, New York
Screenager BRONZE, New York City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People often have wildly different experiences than others. I am not talking about experiences you brag about via social media. I am talking what shaped your life, usually which struggles and hardships you must overcome. There is a phrase for that, often to an unfortunate person (let’s call him a type A person) who got caught doing something reckless, “s/he is a product of their environment”. More than usual that environment lacks the proper nature, where they lived, where they went to school, who hung around them, and proper nurture, parents, friends, people who respected them. People (type B people) like the example provided, are often have to go great lengths to go out of the environment. When you read about the type B people, often you are extremely appreciative of the struggles they went through, and aspire to be like them (responses from most people after I showed them the first guy). However, when you see the type A person, who as mentioned was a product of their environment, you don’t have the same reaction. They try to spend less time focusing on the story, moving onto something else instead, trying to distract themselves from it. While it would be nice for the news to run stories about determined people doing heroic things all day (and not inaccurate), it just would paint a false image of where we live. This sounds like a topic on the media accuracy, I am not talking about that, instead I am talking about what should be shown on the news. People are often critical about what is on their tv or newspaper, focusing on its blatant pessimism. Despite lyrics like “wrong information always shown on the media, negative images is the main criteria” by the musical group BlackEyedPeas, news sites do have to show negative images to show what is wrong with America. Even if the news is highly-biased, it is wrong to assume it would be better if it showed nothing at all. And if a group opposes the media coverage, they should form their own outlet to provide explanations with accurate data (nobody should be entitled to their own facts) for what’s happening. That’s my two cents.

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Second Article I have written

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