A Letter to Society | Teen Ink

A Letter to Society

November 21, 2018
By Sunny03 BRONZE, Ojai, California
Sunny03 BRONZE, Ojai, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Society,

 I would ask you how you’ve been but I already know the answer to that. You haven’t been doing well, have you? How did I know? Because it’s all over the news. Every day, every week, it’s one tragedy after the other. When will it stop? What will it take to turn you back into what you were before? Were you even good before? Or were you made miserable from the start? Excuse my many questions, but they are only a few compared to everybody else’s.

We all have questions, too many of them and too many of us not knowing how to respond or how to feel. We’re constantly clouded by fake news and fake smiles. People cover it all up so that we don’t worry or look into the calamities you've caused and hidden from us. I want to help you but I can’t. One small person like me cannot help in any way. I try; I tell my friends and parents what has been hidden from them. But all I am really doing is keeping the people I hold close, safe. I can in no way fix the big problem. Right now, it’s the constant shootings that everyone seems to be ignoring.

Gun laws. But not enforced ones. Why should students at a bar in Thousand Oaks have to die because of a man with a gun? Why should he feel the need to take these lives? Because of post-traumatic stress from war. Wars that we fight when we don’t need to. Wars that we fight to show people that we are stronger than them. To back off. When really we’re just crumbling down on the inside.

So once again I ask you, how can this change? Please let me know as soon as possible.

                                                                           -Your very, very confused follower

P.S: You’ve left me speechless.

The author's comments:

This piece is me expressing my doubts and concerns of society as if it were a good, old friend. I bring up the latest shooting in Thousand Oaks, California.

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