Ode to Wal*Mart | Teen Ink

Ode to Wal*Mart MAG

By Anonymous

Oh, my sweet enchanting Wal*Mart
With your bountiful aisles of stuff
You hold the key to my heart
And being five minutes away, just isn’t close enough
When I need something, you’re always there
Whether it’s chicken, candy or hair gel
You’re always there to show you care
With all that crap you sell
My neighborhood once was surrounded by useless trees
But then one day I was overjoyed
To see that to make room for your beauty
All those stupid trees were cut down, burned and destroyed!
Oh, how I simply cannot wait
Until strip malls and Wal*Marts cover the entire state!


This article has 3 comments.

DoLL_F@C3 said...
on Apr. 5 2009 at 10:13 pm
DoLL_F@C3, Memphis, Tennessee
0 articles 0 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:

this was a great piece and it was funny.lol

breeluh. said...
on Dec. 8 2008 at 12:02 am
as quoted: "the trees are not useless they dive u more oxygen to breath and more freshh air!! u dont need just wal mart u still have the other stores like dollar general and krogers and stuff like that!! p.s u need trees to survive and breath!!!" The poem was sarcastic. I don't think the author intended for you to take it seriously.

christy!=-D said...
on Dec. 1 2008 at 4:58 pm
the trees are not useless they dive u more oxygen to breath and more freshh air!!

u dont need just wal mart u still have the other stores like dollar general and krogers and stuff like that!!

p.s u need trees to survive and breath!!!