I Believe in Love | Teen Ink

I Believe in Love

March 5, 2018
By ellamaried1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ellamaried1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One may wonder from time to time how the human race can prevent prejudice around the world with the events that consistently occur.  How can our generation and the generations that have come before we display discrimination thoroughly throughout the world and expect change? People want the world to change its views on certain matters that have been contentious in the past, and yet those same people show discrimination to others who are fighting battles that are similar to them.

One can wonder, while in the middle of a science lesson. Why must women be treated differently when they are of more value? One can wonder, while in a grammar lesson. How are young girls able to instill confidence in but are so used to anxiety? One may wonder, during the end of physical education. Why must religions and their beliefs conflict with those of others, if their beliefs are not harmful? One may wonder while staring up at the ceiling. How can people call themselves religious when they express no empathy for others.

One can wonder in the middle of the night. Why is there harassment, many shapes, and forms, tightly, but secretly woven throughout our past? One can wonder while in the car. How can those harassed be quiet for long? One can wonder while outside. Why do people who want to end hostility use it against their companions? One will wonder in art class. If people want to make a change, if they want to change the world, why can't they open their hearts?

The millennials of today are unsure of how to handle the madness. The adults can hardly handle it themselves. The children can hardly sleep soundly each night with the arguments on television, social media, newspapers.

How can we instill goodness and light in children when their foundation consists of self consciousness and anxiety? Why can we not support one another? How can we not set aside our differences to make the world a better place? How can we change the matters of today? How can we make this world a better place for our children?

I believe that as long as no one is hurting another with their lifestyle, religion, or hopes, then there is no harm. Let people be happy; because without loving one another, there is no hope for us as a society.

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