Zoos, the animals’ prisons | Teen Ink

Zoos, the animals’ prisons

February 21, 2018
By RaulBro BRONZE, Girona, Other
RaulBro BRONZE, Girona, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to be shut in a place, for the rest of your life, just so that other people could see what you look like and for their entertainment? If the answer is no, you might keep reading. If you like to be free, maybe animals also want to be in their natural habitat and not locked in a small duplicate of their natural habitat. So, in my opinion, there should not be zoos. My main reason is what I already said, that zoos are the animals’ prisons, where they must stay for their entire life, just for our entertainment and fun. A lot of animals are locked in very small places, where their needs and habits cannot be satisfied. Another reason is that, being in a zoo, produces to animals serious psychic and physical suffering, that causes them to compulsively repeat behaviors and movements. A lot of people think that zoos have saved a lot of endangered species, and I agree, but I think that we could save them protecting their habits and fighting against the dangers that threaten them, not by locking them in zoos, places where they surely do not want to live.

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