If I Were Mayor | Teen Ink

If I Were Mayor

November 10, 2017
By Katiekat123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Katiekat123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were to be mayor of Madison WI, I would aim to increase energy efficiency, implement more community activities, and continue to keep the city safe from rodents. The city of Madison is known to be one of the best cities in the Midwest and I feel that if we continue to improve the city, we could make Madison the best it has ever been. Madison has fantastic programs for the community, but I feel that we could add on to these activities and improve the already existing ones. Incorporating language events into the activities calendar to create an educational role, instead of just an active role for the people participating in them. I also would like to put community gardens all around Madison in the spring and summer months, so people have the possibility to go outside and help the environment. The city could do this by getting volunteers to help make garden beds and place them around the city. I feel that implementing these activities would encourage people to get more involved in the community.

I also feel that increasing energy efficiency is a primary issue that needs to be addressed in Madison. With the growing concern of the well being of our environment, it is important to make changes in our community to help promote that movement. By installing solar panels around the city we could easily transfer to renewable energy, each panel could easily placed on the top on buildings to make this energy. The city could easily raise money to install them by setting up donation booths at local events and organizing fundraising events. This method of converting energy would be cost effective and would ensure that the environment would be protected from harmful byproducts of burning fossil fuels for energy. The money saved from the renewable energy could then could be put towards different issues, such as cleaning up Lake Mendota. Creating more renewable energy will help in multiple areas of the community and will help the city.

Last year, Madison had a rodent problem in the residential areas of the city. The city  able to solve this problem by asking locals to check their homes for possible entry ways for the rodents to enter and also asking inhabitants of the city to contact exterminators if their was an apparent problem where they were located. I hope to keep rodents from homes and buildings around the area by helping people prepare their homes in the colder months to keep away rats and other rodents that try to enter. I also hope to have adequate resources to help terminate the problem if any inhabitant feels there is an issue where they are living. If the city is able to successfully protect homes and buildings from these pests we can then move on to addressing more important issues at hand and further protect the community. With your help, it will be easy to improve the energy if the city, protect the city from rodents, and continue providing the community with fun and engaging activities.

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