Beauty of Travel | Teen Ink

Beauty of Travel

February 11, 2017
By brg11 BRONZE, Edmonton, Kentucky
brg11 BRONZE, Edmonton, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Traveling is a complex thing. Some go on new adventures while others may try to get away. Some travel to find a new beginning and to recreate themselves. Others try to rekindle their old situations, to stay attached. Traveling for adventure can be remotely exciting but in your heart there is a sense of heartbreak. While in the moment you are happy and can't wait to go, but the feeling of you may never visit that place again is heartbreaking. Along with travel comes inspiration, seeing new things and experiencing new situations can bring out the true definition of inspiration. Witnessing the diverse culture and seeing new takes on things is refreshing. In the end there is always time to reflect, to be thankful that you ever even got the chance to go travel and visit that inspiring place.

The author's comments:

My recent trip to Hawaii was what inspired me to write this piece. I was instantly inspired when I saw the beauty of this place. The diverse culture and seeing a different way on things was pretty refreshing. I hope that people get the time to notice the beauty in their surroundings from my piece. I hope to continue to write and gain new experiences in the future.

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