Childhood Stories | Teen Ink

Childhood Stories

May 14, 2015
By jared muzzone BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
jared muzzone BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were children, our parents told us the most ridiculous stories about these interesting figures. For instance, Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Boogeyman etc. What I’m really trying to figure out is why the world made up these fictional characters and our parents or guardians decided to tag along with it? Once one person started this trend, the rest of America and even the world followed. Of course none of these people/things are true but what purpose do they have and how do we associate them with our children?

For an example, the lovable, jolly Santa Claus. This magnificent man is supposedly a man who travels across the world, on a sled with magical flying reindeers, and delivers presents all around the world in one night. Now we all know that this task is physically impossible. If it were true, the speed this guy is going would make him literally burst into flame. But our simple minded children believe that this character is true and never ages a day. Now the next interesting figure I would like to mention is the Boogeyman. This horrific creature is supposed to either hide under your bed or in your closet. If you do not fall asleep, he will surely visit you and that will not be a nice meeting.  I personally think parents sometimes use this mythical figure to just get what they want from their children.

These things have been created long ago for some godly reason and parents all around the world are still using them to this day. No matter how strange they may seem, their job as parents is to let the kids have an imagination. I mean cant a kid dream right?

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