Milk? - Is It Healthy | Teen Ink

Milk? - Is It Healthy

May 29, 2014
By kissmecami BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
kissmecami BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Milk? - Is It Healthy?

Milk is filled with an endless array of nutrients and important minerals, that is undeniable. But the conflict is between what is true and what’s the classic propaganda. Milk is said to strengthen bones and muscles and is very important when it comes to its hefty dose of calcium. But milk has its opposing side, I mean something can't be so good and not come with a price. Milk is said to do more harm than good with packing on fat, adding to the obesity epidemic and has been proven to not live up to its healthy potential.

Experts at the Harvard School of Public Health have labeled the milk recommendations a “step in the wrong direction.” (Peter Jeret of WebMD) A common misconception is that drinking milk will reduce the fractures in the human bones, when in reality, there has been very little showing milk reduces fractures at all. while milk has the ingredients to strengthen bones and protein to build muscle, it doesn’t always quite fill its purpose. Milk does most of the things it lives up to, but not at in a way you can really tell there has been progress.

Milk has been backed up to be unhealthy by those who are lactose intolerant as well, they do perfectly fine with out milk and are able to lead healthy lives without the nutrition of the milk we commonly drink. this only further proves milk does no-healthy good to the human body.

On top of this, milk has been proven to help pack on the pounds over time. Cow's milk has been shown to contain large amounts of both Saturated and Regular Fat. This can be very dangerous to obese people or a person of ANY size. mostly pertaining to children though, milk can be linked to childhood obesity. small changes with milk to a child’s diet can “they may accumulate over time and become clinically important if high intakes persist for multiple years” says Peggy Peck (pediatrician, Medpage Today).

Also, if we continue to drink a mother’s milk for more than a couple weeks after birth, can’t this show that the nutritional value is not only being led to gaining weight, as a baby would for growth, but also that we humans are the only species to be doing so. Earlier studies have produced conflicting results on the impact of milk consumption on weight gain. Some researchers suggest that estrone and whey protein in dairy products promotes weight gain, while others contend that calcium found in milk promotes weight loss.

cow’s milk contains on average three times the amount of protein than human milk which creates metabolic disturbances in humans that have detrimental bone health consequences. Cow’s milks was just not made for humans.

On the subject of calcium, i've read from other sources that cow milk is acidic because it is an animal protein. In turn the body has to fix this and use calcium from the bones to neutralize the acid. this occurs in your stomach when you drink milk, it has the ability to soothe an upset tummy.

On top of all the health schemes from propaganda, Milk when processed before consumption is given hormones, pesticides and handled incorrectly. This can lead to a whole new set of unhealthy events that could occur. Dairy products contain no complex carbohydrates or fiber. and when pasteurized, any healthy or unhealthy organism is removed in the process. This goes to show milk has little if not any healthy benefit.

Dairy Products can be linked to allergies, obesity, heart disease, constipation, etc. Dairy Products are also Pasteurized and filled with added hormones, pesticides, refined sugars and preservatives more often than sometimes. Milk is linked to a series of unhealthy habits and research shows that it does little to no good when consumed into adulthood, take this into consideration, how many animals, mammals more specifically, drink milk outside of infancy, let alone milk from another animal? We are the only species to do so, i don’t think that’s very healthy.

To conclude, Milk is in-fact unhealthy. and those who consume it are at a higher risk of disease and obesity. As cheesy as it sounds, don’t be sick and fat. stay away from dairy.

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