Everybody Loves Mornings | Teen Ink

Everybody Loves Mornings

January 24, 2014
By MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I wake up every day at around six o’clock, I’m almost certain a small part of me dies a little. I know that most teenagers aren’t morning people, but that doesn’t really make rolling out of bed any easier.

A few things seem to somehow change in the world of mornings, one of them being time. When else does the gap between 6:00 and 6:05 make a huge difference? I’m pretty sure that setting your alarm clock to go off at six, and then proceeding to click the snooze button another five times before getting up doesn’t make much sense at any other time of the day.

Another thing that’s just annoying about waking up is that you somehow fall asleep 20 times faster and easier. You can lay awake all night, trying to find a comfortable position, and yet at 6:30 you’re able to fall asleep in three seconds given the chance. While lying there at night, attempting to fall asleep, you seem to always be able to come up with great ideas, and plan on waking up early to get a good start in the day. Yet these dreams are inevitably squashed by Morning, the big bully waiting for you the minute your cat starts meowing downstairs.

Being drowsy and tired seems like my constant state these days, and it’s hard to find a time when I’m actually fully awake and ready to face the challenges of the day. Hard work and discipline fall prey to procrastination and naps through this sleepy haze. Hopefully sometime in the future, morning and I will be able to reconcile and become friends. But today is not that day.

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