3 to 1 Combo, 1-2-3 you're dead! | Teen Ink

3 to 1 Combo, 1-2-3 you're dead!

January 8, 2014
By Jolly_Lumberjack BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jolly_Lumberjack BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chemical weapons.
Are they necessary?
I don’t think so.
Why would anyone in their right mind use weapons that paralyze, stun or leave someone in a fatal condition? The fact that some countries still use chemical weapons use is a controversial subject. The United Nations Security Council, a committee overseeing this practice, is working hard to eradicate chemical weapons in EVERY country. Chemical weapons are gruesome and using them is wrong!!! There have been news stories of the most recent usage of them in Syria but that’s not where they were first used. The were first used in WWI and WWII. Governments that have gone bad such as Syria, have begun using chemical weapons against their people due the rebellion going on. Which brings us to our topic again but even deeper than before, war and what is used during war.

Imaging living in a desert. You are poor. You live in fear of leaving your house. You are afraid that you could be hit by a projectile that could end your life in a matter of seconds. You live like this even though you are a law abiding citizen with no rebellious tendencies. No one is safe.!! Eventually you break under the pressure and become a very sad and depressed person. The conditions in countries that fit this description are horrible, horrendous and horrid . The government is losing control and in my opinion is slowly collapsing. They are either collapsing from natural problems or their fighting amongst themselves Most countries don't have to deal with this problem due to progressive governments and democratic society or at least a WORKING society. In Syria the citizens are rebelling against their own country. The Syrian government is using chemical weapons against their own people either leaving them out of action or worse. You might be asking yourself does anyone deserve to be treated like this?

Chemical weapons are usually delivered by bomb. That’s the safest way for the toxic chemicals to reach their target. In the military planning is everything.! Where and when the bomb strikes is the first priority. Repeated hours of planning and expert precision is needed to assure accuracy. The closer to the target(s) the more people are affected.
The most commonly used chemical weapons include Sarin, Tabun, and Soman. Each individual chemical causes a specific effect. Take Soman for example, Soman is not only a nerve agent but a blistering agent meaning that is cuts off nerves and the signals to the brain and also make your skin blisters up and produces an ugly secretment.
There are also substances called VX agents, which are extremely effective. They are considered a 3 to 1 combo. That means it can administered 3 different ways. It can be inhaled, ingested or just touched. Immediately the clock starts ticking, it only takes a couple seconds at best to cause death.
Chemical Weapons
Are they Necessary?
What do you think?

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