The Ugly Side of Pretty (Feedback) | Teen Ink

The Ugly Side of Pretty (Feedback)

December 11, 2013
By JessicaWu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
JessicaWu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
they make the honey we make the money

“The Ugly Side of Pretty” by Danielle Green is an interesting and informative article that effectively captures the detrimental side of using cosmetic and personal care products. The shocking facts she states made me realize how hazardous they are and how they are capable of causing damage to your body. The piece made me think twice about painting my nails after reading about how nail polishes can contain the “toxic trio”. The toxic trio is toluene, formaldehyde, and dibutyl phthalate, all dangerous chemicals found frequently in these kinds of products. Danielle tells us more about the different kinds of chemicals found in them, as well as their unhealthy effects on the body. It surprised me how my female friends were applying makeup that could make them prone to asthma, cancer, and birth defects!

It seems impossible to go to school now without seeing a significant amount of females having makeup on or spritzing perfume all over themselves in the bathroom. Especially since I go to middle school I’m able to see girls begin to experiment with beauty products and get to know which certain products flatter them the best. It now amazes me how these students are about to get caught up in using these products that are putting their health at risk. I couldn’t believe just how much harm the girls who get exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis have already caused to their bodies.
After reading Danielle’s article, I’m more conscious of the products I’m putting on my body. I no longer fall for the faulty commercials the beauty industry puts out, because I’ve learned that companies don’t have to place their products under safety tests. They also may not tell their customers all of the chemicals in them, which frightens me. After reading this article I’m convinced to steer away from using makeup, and to just not putting my health at risk.
This article alerts many people of the dangers of using cosmetic and personal care products, as well as encouraging them to be confident in their natural beauty. I can really see how girls are more are now going to just not wear makeup and accept that they don’t need the subtle enhancement that it gives. Girls should be more aware of how the beauty products they use may be negatively affecting and why its better to just let their true beauty shine.

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