Who Even Knew | Teen Ink

Who Even Knew

December 6, 2013
By GirlCantDance SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
GirlCantDance SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it." -Groucho Marx

I thought I was the only person on the entire f*ing planet who has ever felt anything before. I never realized other people feel shy and scared and left out. That they get uncomfortable and self-conscious and are terrified of what people think of them. Smiling and saying you’re fine doesn’t automatically make that true. Sometimes I forget that the world doesn’t revolve around me. A lot of times you forget that the main character isn’t the only person in the novel who cries or has problems at home. That usually it’s the most hateful person there that has the most going on and is the least superficial. Well this is the wake-up call. You are not the sun and the planets do not spin in an elliptical orbit so that they can always have a perfect view of you and your hard-knock life. Grow up and learn a thing or two about life before you boo-hoo about the hardships of being a white, middle-class teenager in suburbia with plenty of food in the pantry and air in your lungs. Because no matter what you think, there will always be someone who has it worse.

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