What I Would Change About My School | Teen Ink

What I Would Change About My School

October 22, 2008
By Anonymous

My school has a lot of problems. There are many different things that I think we need to change about our school and they are having school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the food we have to eat, and having five days of school a week. Those three things are the main problems with our school that I think we need to fix to make our school better.

For example one thing that I really want to change about my school is getting Martin Luther King Jr. Day off. I don’t think we should have to go to school on his day because we get Columbus Day off from school so it is only fair that we don’t have school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. He was one of the most important people in United States history therefore I don’t think we should have school and if we do we should at least talk about him and what he did.

The second thing that I would change about our school is I would get us better food. The food that they serve in the cafeteria is horrible and we only get good pizza every other week. I think that they should give us Pizza Ranch pizza every week because the other food that we get during the week is terrible, and the other pizza that they give us is horrendous. They give us a large selection of foods to choose from but the majority of it is gross so it doesn’t make a difference. Another complaint I have with the cafeteria is that sometimes when you get trays to get your food they aren’t always washed completely so you have leftover food on your tray and that is nasty.

I think that they should stop having five days of school a week. I think they should change it and we should only have four days of school a week. There are some schools out west that only have four days of school a week and we could just add an hour of school to each day so that we could make up for that day that we will miss. It would be way better because then people would have more time during the day to do work because of the extra hour and they would also have a longer weekend that if they had homework they could do it during the extra day. We could just go to school Monday through Thursday and have Friday off, plus that way we could have our Varsity football games on a day off from school. Also nobody wants to go to school on Fridays because everybody is tired and just wants the weekend so we just shouldn’t have school that day.

Those are the three main complaints I have with our school. There are plenty of other things that we need to change in our school but these are the things that I think are the worst and I think we should change quickly. Our school isn’t terrible but we definitely need to change these things for it to be a great school.

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iviannah said...
on Mar. 1 2021 at 8:44 am
iviannah, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
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wow its 2021

on Mar. 14 2019 at 7:14 pm
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I got an A+ using this! Thanks!

jassyj said...
on Dec. 8 2014 at 12:38 pm
this is a selfish response to the essay