Patriotism To Me | Teen Ink

Patriotism To Me

November 12, 2013
By Tiffanyy BRONZE, Rainelle, West Virginia
Tiffanyy BRONZE, Rainelle, West Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Patriotism to me is someone’s love for their country. It takes ones pure dedication and pride, to be patriotic. Once it gets into one person heart it spreads all over like a disease. Courage’s men and women all over the country protecting our freedom are patriotic. Everyone has a different definition for patriotism and what it means to them, but when you put all of the opinions together it really means the same thing. Love of one’s country, ones homeland. Simply an emotional attachment to where you’re from, where you grew up. Loving your country means trying to make your country better. If you don’t want a better future for America, how can you say you love it? To me patriotism can’t be described in an essay or a speech, but right there in that moment. When the flag is being raised, or when your school is singing the national anthem. It gives you chills, and that moment is one that you can’t describe, no matter how hard you try. Others think that patriotism is following our founding father’s dream, or being able to express yourself. Like I said before, it all means the same thing. The fourth of July is a time to celebrate this freedom, and be blessed that we have it because some countries don’t. For me, I can’t bear to see a picture of an American soldier without tearing up a little, but also feeling a sense of pride and fear. Patriotism runs much deeper than the flag and the anthem, that just the icing on the cake. Patriotism is in the hearts of America’s citizens. As I began to research this idea, I found that there we no negative comments. We hear reminders all the time about the “true” meaning of patriotism, but only you can decide for yourself, what it truly means to you.

The author's comments:
I truly love this piece. Also where 4th of July has just passed, I figured it would be great to publish this article I wrote last year. I hope that when you read this article, it really touches you and makes you think about the topic. Patriotism is something that never needs to be overlooked. It needs to be forever in your heart.

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