The question, "Am I fat?" | Teen Ink

The question, "Am I fat?"

October 1, 2008
By Anonymous

This question runs through every girls mind. "Am I fat?". We feel insecure of our body or looks or what people think of us. "Your just going through something" parents say. It may not seem like a big deal to others but today people can make you feel bad on how you look or dress. Sometimes we get into bad situations. Like going on a diet. You think it's just a diet whatever, but sometimes it gets serious and you get sick. I'm sure you've hear about those sicknessess like bulimia. It's not good. Heres a question, "Why do you care? what they think? I know it's normal but it shouldn't make you feel like you need to go on a diet. If you feel like you are overweight talk to your parents and a doctor. I know you can't control your insecurity, but you shouldn't talke it too seriously. A insult will hurt i know. But if you are one of those people who make fun of people for how they look then... STOP IT. It makes them feel bad about how they look. So remember do not stop eatting. It's about your health not your weight.

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This article has 1 comment.

Jennielikes said...
on Oct. 6 2008 at 12:33 am
WOW. That is so true. I love it.