Who we are or who we meant to be | Teen Ink

Who we are or who we meant to be

May 28, 2013
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams are like the twin towers

I think in our own way we still don't completely no who we are. I feel as though we go through a lot of changes in life the obstacles,heartbreak, loss, grieve even insecurities .all of those things comes along with living,so through the trials we change who we are. I ask what does that really mean when someone ask you who are you. Life changes people all we can do is stay grounded and reach our goals we set. We grown up we stop being little boys and girls and we Change. I don't think the question is who we are but what we want out of life. I realized that people change who they are all the time I think that maybe the way to figure out who you are is to figure out who you meant to be. We get lost sometimes and settle for less and say this is maybe who I'm meant to be because life brought me down this path but life might have made you take a stop and prepare you for your destiny. Keep searching for the signs and you will figure out who you meant to be and then that will be who you are

The author's comments:
I'm struggling to figure out who i am and that's teenagers biggest issue.

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