A Rant | Teen Ink

A Rant

April 5, 2013
By sgt.johnson SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
sgt.johnson SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Space, the final frontier.

Time is only an illusion. A creation of the human mind. This is why it can seem to slow or speed up. Time exists in a sense of relativity. When considering the cycle of the solar system and moon, it seems time can be measured. We have had many systems and calendars for time since ancient history, yet now it has been narrowed down to a science. But does it truly exist, if in another galaxy, another solar system, another planet, everything would be totally and completely different.So time is only relevant with respect to position. Time is the 4th dimension, the first 3 being height, width, and depth, I believe.

I wonder if humans are close to the limits of technology, or not even near. If so, it wouldn't be surprising if there were more advanced species around us and we didn't even realize it.

If anything is remotely possible, couldn't quantum mechanics utilize patterns or lack there of in the universe to make holes in time and space. (worm holes) Already thought of: Stargate. But is it actually possible to create and or contain a lapse in the space-time continuum to experiment with? Even less likely, pulling a Doc Oc and trying to create your own sun. Imagine the power a spaceship would have with a fusion engine. The power would be too much to control.It'd be a good story if it weren't already taken.

Strength is what matters. In some cases, strength of the body. In others, strength of will and wit. After all, wit is how one manipulates and convinces to get to the top. That and greed. These are the two things most good villains have. But greed is ultimately self-defeating, at least that's what the media leads us to believe. But I'm getting off topic. Strength is better than weakness. In all senses. But it must be worked for, earned, in all senses as well. Strength of the pen is greater than that of the sword.

The author's comments:
Just a rant from Creative Writing

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