March 25, 2013
By misunderstoodfighter SILVER, Portland, Oregon
misunderstoodfighter SILVER, Portland, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
when you come to the end of your rope tie a knot and hold on


“Forgive and forget.” This is something you may hear a lot through out life. Forgiving someone is never all that easy, but it’s the right thing to do. Things happen for a reason, even if we don’t agree with it. But trust, the only person your hurting by holding a grudge is yourself.
We all have our own way of healing, but something we all have in common is pain. We determine how long we keep feeding off this pain. We decide how to cope with the hurting. We have a choice whether it stays or goes.
You can sit there and replay the situation in your head and hate people more and more as you continue to think of what went wrong, or why it went wrong or what you could have done differently to avoid the issue. But guaranteed, that’s only going to make you worse, you’re going to experience more anger as you progress your thoughts, as you get deeper into your feelings.
You can come up with so many reasons why you shouldn’t forgive someone, but have you thought of any reasons why you should forgive them? Ill give you one, everyone deserves another chance. I’m not going to say “everyone deserves a second chance,” only because some people will take more than two tries to make something right, or to make a chance. Everyone makes mistakes, some more than others. And why that is, you may not understand. But the way you treat someone who has made a mistake or more also reflects on the way they will or could change.
Sometimes we think of someone as a terrible, cold-hearted, unforgivable person, so we punish them by ignoring them, leaving them, locking them up, beating them, killing them mentally, emotionally, and physically. But doing such things, doesn’t that only make us just as terrible, cold-hearted, and unforgivable like them?
How does one determine another’s punishment? How do we decide whether someone should face jail time or get the death penalty? Why do we get to just leave them, hurt them, ignore them like everyone else has to them? See, you never think twice about it, you only see or hear what you want.
Forgive and forget. It means to forgive someone for the mistake(s) that they have made. And forget son that you have room for new, better memories. Remember hate in your heart will consume you to.

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