Plea To the World | Teen Ink

Plea To the World

April 25, 2008
By Anonymous

I speak for many teenagers out there. We all don't pay enough attention to everyone around us. We may think we know everything about a person when you only know the mask they wear. People are in trouble around you, the only thing you have to do is find them and help them in some way.

I know everyone has hard times, but everyone takes those hard times differently. Sometimes the pain is too much to handle and they take drastic measures to end all and any pain. Others might hide behind a mask and lie to make it so everyone likes them and so they don't see how messed up they're life is. All they want is for someone to see them for who they are but they are too afraid to show it. It takes trust and understanding for someone to let people know what's really happening in they're life.

So I speak on behalf of all the troubled teens out there. We need help. You can help. This is my plea to the world.

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This article has 1 comment.

goth chick said...
on Aug. 18 2008 at 2:04 am
Hey!! this is completely true!! I think it is great about how you feel about other people!! I hope that others will see this message and realize that this is true and will help the people around them!! Thanks Anna