What Do You Think Of? | Teen Ink

What Do You Think Of?

April 21, 2008
By Anonymous

What do you think of when you see the poppy?
What are you visioning when you hear the trumpets?
Do you hear the ambulances, or blasts of bombs?
It may be hard to fear,
Something you can’t hear
But I know they did it for you.
It’s not a joke, I know it’s true
They did it for you.

What about you?
Would you die for your country?
Would you give it all you’ve got?
I hope so, it would be a happy thought.
I know it would give me fear, if I could only hear
The screams of soldiers or innocent civilians
So how about it now?
Do you think we can have peace somehow?
I’m telling you too, that they did it for you

Now, as we gather around the graves weeping in sorrow
I will have hope till it be morrow.
For looking at the red flower or the wings of a dove
My mercy and grace is lifted above.
I forgive them, I forgive them all
Can you? Do you realize how our world in need of peace?
Maybe I will die trying, but I want to help at least.
So I am asking you please
Be grateful, not hateful
For here is one thing I know is true:
They did it for you

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This article has 1 comment.

archery-nerd said...
on Oct. 12 2012 at 9:13 am
Wow, what a powerful message! Excellent work!