Ask Ben: Invisible Tiger | Teen Ink

Ask Ben: Invisible Tiger

April 4, 2012
By TwistedB SILVER, New Orleans, Louisiana
TwistedB SILVER, New Orleans, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned."-Eminem

Dear Ben,

I don’t do much around campus. I am not in any clubs. I am not in any sports. I have no effect on anyone besides my very small group of friends. I am basically a guy that just sits there and gets decent grades. I want to stand out. I want to make a difference and be a part of something at school. How can I do this? Any suggestions for what clubs I can join?

Invisible Tiger

Dear Invisible Tiger,

Let me start with saying that seeming like you are not there is not as bad as you think. For the most part it is actually a pretty good place to be. That is because you basically stay out of everyone’s way so they don’t have any problems with you and they will leave you alone. Also it means that you stay out of trouble which is good.

Now if you want to make some great friends and have fun that all depends on you. If you want to be an athlete it is great to go out there and play. I personally have never joined a sport but if you ask any of the guys that are in football, wrestling, soccer etc. they always have fun. Plus all these sports you get really close to your brothers. If athletics aren’t your thing then join a club. We have tons of fun and sociable clubs to join. Everything depends on you interest. If you like martial arts go try the Karate team. Want more school spirit. Go Blue Circle! Anything that you do around this campus will help define your personality. It shows your interests and shows people your attitude towards your school and yourself. Also what you do around school helps you get more friends. From personal experience most of my friends are from clubs I have joined.

If you want to leave your foot print on the school there is plenty of things you can do. Usually you need help to start up something. You definitely cannot do it by yourself. Look at some of the things that came around this year. We had a whole group of students fighting to get Pajama Jam back. Not only did we get Pajama Jam back however we also were able to get a Middle School Sock Hop. My advice on this is just take an idea and get some people especially older guys to help you out and run with it.

Good Luck,
Ben P., 11th grade

The author's comments:
my column for my school paper.

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