Fairer Sex | Teen Ink

Fairer Sex

January 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Since the beginning of time, women have been labeled and viewed as the "fairer sex" when compared to men. In some instances that means soft, smooth, beautiful, etc., but in other cases it means fragile, vulnerable and less able. For hundreds of years, women have been fighting this assumption because they wanted equality and recognition in society and, in the past, many of these women failed. However, in the past hundred years or so, women in more developed countries have made advances that have put them in equal standing with men and, in some cases, on an even more prestigious pedestal than men. For instance, women are now recognized as the heads of many households - whether they are breadwinners for the family or housewives. The famous five in Canada were able to amend the Constitution to recognize women as “people” in the name of the law. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize as early as 1903, seventeen years before women suffrage was legalized in the United States of America. Women in Canada, the United States and most of Europe, in particular, now have rights that are equal to men's and are only subject to discrimination from men when faced with a man's overinflated self-confidence, or under-confidence. Yet still females throw around phrases such as "don't hit me, I'm a girl" and "we need some strong burly men to lift this". How can women ask for and even expect respect when they insist on using the disadvantages that they so vigilantly fight against to their advantage?

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