Letter to Love Smith | Teen Ink

Letter to Love Smith

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Dear Love Smith,

You have made some stupid decision so far in your term as head coach. First, is getting rid of Thomas Jones to the New York jets for a third round pick in the draft. Why would you give away the teams running threat that took them to the Superbowl last year? Second, is getting Tank Johnson out of Chicago. He was a big threat on the line but you release him after he served his sentence for a gun charge. Now get Devin Hester more on offense and make him a permanent receiver on the field. You need to start making some changes on defense because it’s terrible this year compared to last season. What did you do to them? The fans want the old Bear’s defense not this one. Also get a running back that could actually stay healthy, and get the speed threat with Hester and go back to the old defense. Thank you.



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