Texting While Walking | Teen Ink

Texting While Walking MAG

January 23, 2012
By Jake Langeuin BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
Jake Langeuin BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have all heard about the tragic deaths caused by people who text while driving, but how about deaths from texting while walking? Like driving, walking while texting can be very dangerous. Has technology become so advanced and texting so addictive that these tragedies are now an accepted part of our culture? Some of the worst cases of walking while texting have led to death, injury, and humiliation.

The most tragic cases of walking while texting include the death of a 14-year-old boy from Florida in 2008. He was so focused on his phone that he stepped into oncoming traffic. Who's at fault? The distracted texting teen or the driver who hit him? These accidents warrant another look at the laws pertaining to texting.

On a lighter note, in another incident, Cathy Cruz Marrero was texting while walking in a mall and tumbled into a water fountain. But her humiliation didn't end there. A mall security camera caught the mishap and it soon appeared on YouTube. The video now has more than three million views. The company that provides security for the mall issued this statement: “The security officer responsible for sharing the video of this incident has been terminated and is no longer with the company.”

Now wait a minute, he lost his job for sharing a stupid mistake that occurred in public? That's a little harsh.

My point is that texting while walking will only make you look stupid. Exactly 40 years after man first stepped on the moon, a teen who was walking while texting stepped into an open manhole. City workers came to her rescue and apologized for the unmarked hazard, but the 15-year-old's mother declared she would sue. It may sound crazy, but she may have a point. Under any circumstances, the manhole should have been marked to prevent accidents. But on the other hand, the teen who was texting while walking should have been alert enough to see the hazard and avoid it.

So, in order to save yourself from death, injury, or simple humiliation, don't text while walking. It may sound crazy, but walking while texting can be life threatening just like texting while driving. As addictive as technology can be, it can wait. My advice is to stay alert and keep your eyes on the sidewalk.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 3 2012 at 8:12 pm
Eliquencity PLATINUM, Winfield, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 28 comments
Lol; okay, I won't text and walk anymore. :) Thanks.