Moving forward | Teen Ink

Moving forward

January 10, 2012
By trica SILVER, Covington, Oklahoma
trica SILVER, Covington, Oklahoma
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Aspire to inspire before you expire."

Sometimes, you have to laugh off all of the bad things that keep happening. If you let every little word bother you, it is only going to bring you down. You have to remember the people insulting you are doing it because of their own insecurities. Every bad day you have will bring you one day closer to having a great day. Yes, I know some things are hard to ignore and at times they are impossible to ignore but you should not let it effect you in the long run. Remember, regardless of what others say, you are a beautiful person and you were perfectly and wonderfully made. Make a point to succeed when a person says you are not capable of doing so because when you succeed you are proving not only to them that you can but to yourself. Respect the person who is doubting you because that will let them know that you are not effected by what they are saying. Move forward in your life, have goals and do whatever you can to reach them. Take your life into your own hands and make something of yourself. Have confidence in yourself in everything that you do whether it is sports, school, your job or getting the lead in the school play. If you believe that you are going to do well, you will. Every time you step onto the field, stage or into the classroom or office, believe that you are going to do the best of your ability to succeed.

The author's comments:
I was inspired this piece after reading Derek Jeter's, shortstop for the Yankees, biography. He sent a positive message about not letting his peers words het to him and I wanted to tell you all the same thing. :)

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