Life is not Always Fair | Teen Ink

Life is not Always Fair

October 13, 2011
By Catharine Trice SILVER, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
Catharine Trice SILVER, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm and sunny afternoon outside, the kind that makes people feel like . However, inside my kindergarten classroom, I was bristling with anger. I had just drawn a totally amazing picture of a princess, and was excited to show the classmate sitting across from me. I held it up for all to see, barely containing my pride in this masterpiece of mine, when my classmate scoffed and promptly snatched my picture out of my tiny hands with his rather chubby ones. He mercilessly scribbled all over it with his swamp green crayon, and handed it back to me, all the while maliciously laughing at my shock and disbelief. I can’t remember exactly what my thoughts were, but they were probably something along the lines of, “Oh, so it’s gonna be like that? Got it.” It was official – I had entered the real world; and the real world was not fair.

I believe life is not always fair, and everyone needs to accept it and move on with their lives. I always try to live by this belief by making the best out of every situation, and instead of complaining, I try to find a solution.

As we grow older, we all experience moments like these – unfair instances of injustice. That kid had no right to scribble all over my picture like that. But what was I to do about it? I just had to accept what had happened, and start all over with my drawing. I have grown to believe that life just is not always fair, and that is the way it is. Sometimes the experiences make a big impact on our life, but most of the time they only feel like they are a big deal at first, and then we realize that life goes on, and it is not the end of the world. After something unfair happens, people just need to accept that it happened and make the best of it.

As time goes on, unfair things in our life get more complicated. The most appalling part of class that day was when the kid drew on my paper, but nowadays there is not a great chance of that happening any time soon. Instead, daily injustices involve things like untrue rumors, or crazy grandparents moving into the room across from us, and other things like that. As we get older, unfair situations are going to get even more complex and have a greater impact on our life, like maybe missing a bus to a job interview because someone spilled coffee on you and you had to change what you were wearing. This is far more life altering than a picture getting scribbled on.

One early fall day, I was at my grandma’s house helping pack up her things, preparing her to move into an assisted living facility. My cousins were there helping out, too.

“You know that Grandma is staying with your family until her new place is ready, right?” my cousin said, casually glancing over to me. I was not aware of this information.

Don’t get me wrong, my grandma is a nice lady. However, she is not the easiest person to live with due to her short term memory loss and various other reasons. For example, she talks to herself loudly in the middle of the night, which can actually be very frightening. I found it pretty unfair she had to be at my house when my aunts’ households were perfectly capable of taking her in.
Despite these circumstances, I have made an attempt to make the best of it. I answer her questions with patience, and I remind her to take her pills when I need to. I am patient and try to help her whenever I can. Sometimes, I find that I actually kind of enjoy her at my home. It is moments such as these that I am assured that my belief works for me.

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