Music and Art are essential to Public Schools | Teen Ink

Music and Art are essential to Public Schools

October 3, 2011
By Anonymous

Imagine sitting in a classroom with nothing to look forward later in the day. Now imagine feeling the need to be a part of something more, but knowing you can’t. This is happening to schools everywhere. Schools need to stop thinking about music and art as a luxury, and start thinking of it as a priority; music and art improve test scores, keep students involved, and improve disciplinary issues.

Is your school falling behind on test scores? Schools want to excel, but they don’t even think about what would be helpful to them. Instead of schools that use repetition to teach, we need schools that use variety. In my opinion, music and art are one of the most helpful classes in raising test scores. On average, schools with a music class have above average test scores. This is partially because learning music can stimulate development of areas of the brain critical to success. SAT scores are also proved to be raised by as much as 51%, if a student sings or plays an instrument.

Do you know anyone with just too much time on their hands, and having trouble paying attention? Music helps students stay involved in their class work. Subjects such as reading and language arts, even math, can be enhanced with a
minor amount of music. Math classes would be more captivating, and learning how to count measures has shown to help with fractions. Students learn best and pay attention more when they have more variety in their daily plans.

Is someone in your class or school a proven trouble maker? Since learning music keeps classes more involved, students are ready to learn, and get more out of their school day. Learning music takes away the time students might have that would cause them to start making trouble. Students might also be acting out on account of barriers such as race, or ethnicity, that they feel holds them back. I feel music and art have no such barriers making everyone of all kinds feel welcome, and the feeling of being a part of something more.

Improving test scores, keeping students involved, and improving disciplinary issues are all reasons schools need to think twice before they cut their art and music programs. I understand some schools may need to cut a class or two for budget issues, but this isn’t the way. In fact, through brain study music is perceived to be essential for healthy humans. Not having a music class to some students, like me, is like going into battle but having no feeling of wanting to be there. Never again will a child feel lonely with music in their life. They will always have a place to turn to. Will this all go to waste just because some schools feel the need to eliminate a few classes to save some money?

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