Death | Teen Ink


June 28, 2011
By rustangrider BRONZE, Greenville, Texas
rustangrider BRONZE, Greenville, Texas
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Life is like a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, its twist and turns, and can really throw us for a loop but in the end your right back where you started.

I don’t fear death, death is a undeniable fact of life, infact death is the only thing in life that is certain. Its not death that I fear, it’s the living. What will I leave behind? What will be my legacy? Will people remember me? Will I live on even after death through word and thought? What will people think of me after? Those are the questions that I have. I don’t fear death, its life that I fear
Its the question that have I done enough? Have I changed someones life and have I left my mark? I dont fear death, I fear being forgotten.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in summer school talking to one of my friends.

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