Hero Definition | Teen Ink

Hero Definition

May 19, 2011
By Trevor Worcel BRONZE, Marengo, Iowa
Trevor Worcel BRONZE, Marengo, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A hero is someone who is admired for their achievements and noble qualities according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. What describes a hero, and who is or can become a hero? To me, a hero is a person who is committed to helping anyone in need, saving lives, whether it’s ten lives or one, and making the world a better place to live, one act at a time, however great or small. Admired for bravery, honored for selflessness, and going far beyond the limit of one’s own consciousness are a few of the ways I would describe what a hero is in my eyes. Heroes can be from comic books, movies, or even everyday people who put their life on the line with great courage, bravery, and without thinking about what they’re doing until they’ve already done it.

The best examples for fictional heroes, in my opinion, are super heroes. Superman, Spiderman, and Batman are a few of my favorites. Superman is a true hero because he puts every one else’s needs before his own in great efforts to save the human race. He will do anything to keep the people of Earth safe even if it means risking his own life. Spiderman will go out of his way to protect the city of New York making sure that evil and violence stays far from home. Batman intelligently uses resources and devices to help him defend his city and won’t allow any villains to break his unwavering faith in humanity. I admire each super hero for their strength, perseverance, and dedication to the betterment of mankind.

Now some people want to be like these super heroes but what they don’t realize is a hero lies within each and every one of us. Sure we may not have super powers such as free flight or invincibility, but we are all heroes and can be if only we choose so. Firemen and police officers are great examples of everyday heroes. During 9/11 several firemen and police officers risked their lives to get people out of the World Trade Center. When most people were fleeing with fear and terror the police officers and firemen were rushing to save as many lives as possible with courage, bravery, and hope on their sides. A lot of the firemen and police officers have sacrificed their lives numerous times to save people. The many people living with life-threatening illnesses and still thriving with smiles and laughter sharing their stories of glory and triumph, I would definitely consider to be heroes. With hope being what they can hold on to and the power of unconditional love and respect in their grasp, how can any of us go wrong?

There are many great heroes of the past who will not be forgotten, and there are many heroes in the here and now who are being recognized today. All these heroes may be very different in shape, size, origin, religion, or beliefs, but there is also one thing they all have in common, they never give up and they give all they have to give without expecting anything in return. These are true heroes, will always be true heroes, and they are each an inspiration to my life. This is how I describe heroes and who heroes are and can be to me. Whether make believe or real life anyone can recognize a hero when they see one.

The author's comments:
Comic book superheroes inspired me to write this piece.

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on Nov. 8 2016 at 12:47 pm
Thank u Trevor from Iowa

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on May. 27 2015 at 7:28 pm
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