technology in presentation | Teen Ink

technology in presentation

April 19, 2011
By Angela Hein Hein SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Angela Hein Hein SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Technology in presentations
Technology is critical to a live presentation. In a live presentation you can see what the presenter is trying to say, you can understand it better if it is on the computer.
We live in a visual world; many of my teachers use visuals when they present a new idea. When we go on the internet we can find pictures and videos on anything, we can also find explanations in text format. Students will usually choose the video so they can see the demonstration of what to do and know how to do it.
Movie clips display what the presenter is trying to explain. It is better for me to keep my attention on the speaker if I see a visual. With Smart boards the speaker can actually get the audience involved with the speaker’s presentation. The presenter can prepare matching games, fill-in the blanks and can even have participants draw or write on a picture to help make their point. When the activities are complete the presenter can print the completed activity and hand it out to the audience.
Students are attached to their cell phones. When they first started carrying phones in school they got in trouble with teachers for having them out so much. Now teachers bring the texting to the presentation as do some speakers. In some of the presentations the audience can vote for their preference by texting and the speaker can display the results on the Smart board. Virtual experiments can be done in front of the class for the science teachers.
Whether or not the speaker is an adult or student, technology keeps the audience engaged, provides exciting visuals and a presents a deeper explanation of the topic.

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