Free Laborers | Teen Ink

Free Laborers

February 4, 2011
By TIara2013 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
TIara2013 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It happens in almost every house. Parents give their kids chores’ to do when they are just too lazy to do them themselves. It’s one thing to have a job and come home and have to cook dinner. I understand that everyone gets tired. Everyone doesn’t want to do everything. It’s also another thing when you have children to put it on. Did your parents do this to you? What if you didn’t have children? Would you do it yourself? In most houses parents provide their children with chores because it makes their lives easier.

Parents don’t do as much as they use to. They have jobs and they bring the money home, so I understand that they might be tired. It feels great to relax after a hard day of work, but don’t make your kids do it. Children have a lot on their plate nowadays. It’s not as easy as people think. They have school, homework, after school activities and some have jobs. To clean their parent’s house is just adding more stress to the busy life’s of children. Everyone always has to have good grades and be the perfect child to never get in trouble well we don’t live in fantasy land we live in America where nobody is perfect.

There are many solutions to this problem. Parents can hire a maid or, make a schedule between everyone in the household. Just think about it are gone? Who’s going to clean the house when the little ones gone and off to college? Might as well start now. I’m not trying to say this happens in every household. Some parents are very generous to their children, but to those of you who are selfish and can’t get off the couch to do it yourself now that’s just lazy.

I have just told how I feel about how kids are free laborers. If I didn’t care about this then I wouldn’t have taken my time in writing this essay. This is a huge essay that can only grow if you don’t to anything about it.

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