Just an Ordinary Girl | Teen Ink

Just an Ordinary Girl

November 20, 2007
By Anonymous

I'm just an ordinary Girl; I go To school I work Hard I try so hard, I've been accused of things, such as being a "bad Kid" in the state of Virginia you are made to go to school reguardless of anything or anything. I've worked so hard to make a bad kid impression Leave me. I was hospitalized in December 2006; I missed a week of school, They kept telling me I was mental, and I'm not Im just a teenager, that is going through a lot of problems. I'm the type of girl that likes to be left alone; to live my own life without everyones input, because Whatever you say to me I will consider it, but I doubt I will do it. My County system then took me to court for missing school because I was in the hospital, and then when I went back to school people made fun of me so I just flat out stopped going to school, People really hurt my feelings. I was a freshman at the time; So I pretty much got ate alive, and there was no one there or no one to help me. I wen to court, and They put me in a Tech school, for 2 days a week [9 ours a week] I then Get violated for missing school to be with my mom who then got stabbed so they are trying to take me to jail, and put me there. My point of writing this article is that even though someone puts you down, makes you feel so worthless, sometimes you just have to show them that you can go through whatever they put you through, because in the end you just as tough as they are, if not even tougher. Everyone always told me I'd never be anything, But look at me I'm married I have the greatiest guy that loves me and i'm only 17. My point was I had to get away from the negativity, the people who always told me I'd be nothing, my parents who abandoned me; I'm not here to promote Under age marriage, or anything of that matter, Im here to prove a point That if you want something bad enough You keep fighting for what you believe in, and one day you will be able to breathe, and think back to the way everything used to be; and to have that feeling to know that you accomplished that little or big thing is a huge feeling. You can accomplish something you think is so big, but in the end it was only something tiny.

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