Childhood Memories | Teen Ink

Childhood Memories

June 23, 2010
By Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
Kyrsten SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Childhood is something never forgotten. Its melodious memories remind us of the joys of youth, a time filled with innocence and joy special in its kind. For it will never again be attainable in that perfect purity. There is a light inside of us that glows with the remembrance of our growth and our sweet love of life. Our admiration to this holy earth in which our existence lies only wavers with age and understanding. Before, we were satisfied. We loved hard and sought life’s simplicities. Heaven looked down upon us with hopeful eyes.
Someday we would grow to be something great. Oh, remember. Remember the precious moments lived by the little learners that we once were. What happened to those same loves? Where is the joy in God’s creations? When did the delight in the sand boxes and bubble baths disappear? Why have we lost our zeal for life? We should be as children, meek and pure, eternally loving and happy. Life quickly slips past us disguised as days, months, years. We can hardly grasp the bliss that life has to offer. The love we once had fades into a deep hole in our hearts where our youth is lost. Oh, remember. Remember the days of old. Remember the moments of childhood in which you knew the world was good and people were happy. Remember to look upon the world with the eyes of a child, let the memories live.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 24 2010 at 7:27 pm
Chinadoll BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 172 comments

Very insightful and challenging! Cheers to you for realizing that and writing this! Good job!

Also could you look at some of my work? Thanks!