Is "Perfect" really "Perfect"?! | Teen Ink

Is "Perfect" really "Perfect"?!

June 7, 2010
By RainyRighter BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
RainyRighter BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As an average teenage girl, I'm surrounded by the media every day. And as cliché as it sounds it really does affect me and my other teenage girl friends. I turn on the T.V. and Heidi Montague and her breasts are staring at me. I open a magazine and every page I turn Jessica Alba's gorgeous skin is glowing in my face. Songs repeat on the radio, Internet Ads pop up, and they're all sending a message; I must look perfect! Now I know this is starting to sound like the stereotypical "embrace and love your body the way it is, no matter what" speech that many people write about today. You hear it all the time, as people try to relate to your situation and tell you to have more self confidence, but it's harder than it sounds. So I offer you a new perspective on body image and teens.

I can relate to anyone who has either personally struggled with, or has any friends who have struggled with body image and the media. I can relate to anyone who gets frustrated with the simple and "oh-so-easy" ideas of embracing one's flaws. We're supposed to accept that these differences make us interesting and unique, but I know it can be tough thinking your differences are that you're too fat, or too ugly. The intangible ideas of body type and beauty that are put in our head by the media can be frustrating, and I've figured out my own solution that I must remind myself and my friends of all the time.

This constant battle us teens fight to look "perfect" is unwinnable. "Perfect" is nonexistent. The "Perfect" body, skin, hair or any other look the media puts into our heads, that we may be striving to achieve ourselves literally does not exist.

All of the technologies such as breast implants, liposuction, and airbrushing on ads (which are all so commonly used by celebrities and advertising companies) creates this "perfect" person. Yes, some celebrities do have a few beautiful features, but so do we all. We all also have a few healthy differences, or flaws- even celebrities. Its normal for teens to have a few of these "flaws" that they may want to change, but it seems to me that teenage girls are suffering because they're trying to compare themselves to a flawless idealistic person who will not ever be.

Even with the surgeries, implants, and airbrushes this flawless idealistic person has, they're "perfect" look is really not perfect at all. It is not healthy. It is not normal. And it is not attractive. My own guy friends have told me that boob jobs get ridiculous, and aren't attractive because they lok so unnatural.

I hope my message reaches people struggling with this issue. Before any terrible self esteem issues, eating disorders, or self disgust situations develop amongst you or anyone you know, take a simple reality check. First, consider if this "perfect" look really exists, and once you've realized it doesn't, find the beauty in yourself that you can be sure truly exists. You may be sick of hearing it, but everyone has beautiful aspects, they just need to turn off the T.V., close the magazine, and pause the song for one second to realize it.

The author's comments:
This piece is about teenage body image and the media.

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