Carpe Diem | Teen Ink

Carpe Diem

April 15, 2010
By scrubnation BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
scrubnation BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in living in the moment. Don’t you hate it when you are with a group of friends, and they are all texting other friends? Or when you are doing something and all you can think of is how excited you are for the next thing, then starting the cycle over. Living in the moment eliminates these experiences and helps me enjoy everything I am doing instead of wasting my time wishing I was doing something enjoyable. This belief helps me get more out of life and make it all around more enjoyable.
Lets go back to the group of texting friends scenario. The reason people text message each other is because they want to be with them to talk to them. Correct? Now that is fine to do while you are alone washing dishes, or bored on a bus. However if you text while you are already with people, there should be no reason to text. By living in the moment, you would put down the phone with its monotone insincerity, and talk to the friends you are with making your time more enjoyable. Instead of wishing you were face to face with them you actually are.
I strongly believe in this mantra for various reasons. Living in the moment seems to spark out an inner spontaneity that is very hard to find if you are “out of the moment.” Usually things done spontaneously are just that much more fun. This helps you enjoy life more. It also builds character and brings out the real you. If your not spontaneous you will just spend all your life wondering what could go wrong. You will miss those days when you say to yourself “to hell with it” and dive into uncharted territory.
Not living in the moment can also make you a very boring person to be around. No one wants to be with a person who is constantly complaining about what we need to do. It just makes everything boring. I don’t know about you, but I would certainly rather be around a person that tries to make the best out of things. A person that doesn’t worry about what they could be doing, or what will happen after they are done, just what is happening now.
A couple Sundays ago, I had to participate in an event call the Crew-a-thon for my crew team. This mandatory event consisted of everyone breaking into small, randomly picked, teams where we would go house to house asking for donations for 3 hours. Real fun. Instead of complaining and having a bad time, my group didn’t complain and found ways to make it fun. We all became friends and managed to have fun while making money in the most tedious and boring way possible by not wishing we were somewhere else, but by living in the moment.
Living in the moment helps you get more out of life instead of wasting it worrying and complaining. After I stated basing my life off of this philosophy, I started thinking a lot more clearly and feeling a lot less stressful. Maybe if I wasn’t living in the moment, it would have taken me another hour to write this essay. Instead I focused on it and finished it and now I can enjoy the rest of my weekend in the sun.

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