Being Imperfect Is the New Perfect | Teen Ink

Being Imperfect Is the New Perfect

March 23, 2010
By Dana Getz BRONZE, St. Joseph, Michigan
Dana Getz BRONZE, St. Joseph, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I like flaws, they make things interesting. Without them, the world would be perfect. And in the words of Jack's Mannequin, "Sometimes perfection can be perfect hell.” Imperfections are the world's finest flaw. They're in people and in places; in our past and in our future. Some of the ones from our past elicited the ones in our present, some of them made us think, some of them changed us. And of course, flaws can be bad. I'm not saying I like the ones that cause problems, but I like the little ones. Like, when my nails don't match anything I wear. Or when a guy missed a spot brushing his hair and it kind of sticks up in the back, that’s adorable. And scars, those are my favorite. No one has the same ones as you, and they come complete with their own little story. They remind you of the past, whether it was good or bad. Sometimes it's good to think about how you got to where you are now. It reminds you that everything wasn’t always okay, that you struggled, that you conquered. It reminds you that things weren’t always right. And I don't mind being wrong sometimes. I love getting into arguments with opinionated people. And it's not the angry-I-can't-believe-you type of arguments. It's the type that makes you think, the ones that give you a different perspective. So, is it considered a flaw when you disagree with someone? It's certainly not perfect. Perfect people don't yell and scream and throw their feelings right onto the table. But that's certainly not wrong, it's just honest. Is the definition of a flaw simply "to be wrong"? I think it's merely anything less than perfect. And in that case, we are all a flaw in itself. We're raw and crazy and human. And different. That's the best thing about flaws. They're unique. No one else has the exact same problems. And when you come across someone else's, it changes you. Whether you relate or just listen. When you realize you're not the only one who’s confused, or lost, or just flat out hurt, then you're not so alone. And everyone wants to know they’re not alone. Flaws are just one more thing we all have in common.

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