The Recipe for the Perfect Cookie, perseverance | Teen Ink

The Recipe for the Perfect Cookie, perseverance

December 14, 2009
By julianrose SILVER, Lake Orion, Michigan
julianrose SILVER, Lake Orion, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of the warm vanilla, brown sugar and chocolate flowing from the oven into the air spells out sweet success every time. Those little brown treats of pure heaven are the product of your success, but what does it take to get to this point, what is the one right way to get this out- come? Is there even one agreed right way? To most the perfect cookie would be describe with a soft and most inside—with just the right amount of chips placed inside—and a crispy edge with a golden brown overall color; and to achieve this product many people have come up with their own methods that works for them to get that perfect cookie.
What does the definition of perfect really mean? Is it flawless, and without mistakes, or is it do the best you can with what you have? The definition of perfection is not without flaws, for none of us would be able to reach that goal. Since the beginning of time people have been striving to achieve perfection, and I don’t think that they would have placed an unachievable definition with such a goal. Therefore, I find perfection to be giving everything you have into what ever it is, so that in looking back you have no regrets; I find this same thing to define success. Success is not if you win or loose but how you play the game, and to me that says it all. To go out and not give it your all is the only true way to fail.
True success lies in the effort that we put in, and the true recipe for success is short—but may be one of the hardest to follow. Most people—normally adults—try to plan out ever aspect of their life, and their recipe for success is consequently the same. They take each ingredient and try to precisely measure out every last grain of salt, taking out every ounce of enjoyment –a key ingredient. When setting a goal for yourself it should have to do with something that you enjoy, something you want badly enough, there by making the pathway to success a fun challenging journey; not heavy burdens. Don’t judge a cookie by its cover; the outside may not look like the cover of cook books, or like it came from a magazine cutout, but that’s not what counts; it’s the time and thought put in to it that matters.
Before writing this essay I was unsure where I stood on the matter of success, and to be honest I had never really put much thought in to it. I just knew what I wanted and what I thought it took to get there. I think I want the same things most people do, to be successful in life and to grow up making an imprint on the world; but I don’t think I actually knew what it would take to be happy with the outcome. To be successful in life, will be being able to look back on my life and have no regrets. To know that I tried everything I wanted to try, and didn’t give up, and just knowing I gave it all I had.
We all have our different way for getting to that perfect cookie, each recipe unique and different, and yet they all satisfy that craving for warm, moist, chocolate chip cookie goodness, and as long as your recipe does that it is successful. The recipe that I have formulated is one that is a test in progress, I don’t have the secret answer key that tells me if my plan will work and I don’t know if my dreams will turn out as planned. But I do know that as long as I give it my all, I will have been successful in whatever goals I have set, will set, and someday—after countless times of trial and error—achieve.

The author's comments:
Looking for thoughts on how this piece was written and constructed.

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