Just a rant about Winter... | Teen Ink

Just a rant about Winter...

November 9, 2009
By Missy143 SILVER, Rochester, New York
Missy143 SILVER, Rochester, New York
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Coloring in the lines is boring"

Winter. A kid’s dream, my nightmare. When the first snow falls and I wake up and find it on the ground, I feel my stomach knot. It’s freezing out, and I have to walk to the bus stop. I just want to be warm. Warmth is but cold is bitter and sharp, tensing my every muscle as each gust of wind splashes angrily onto my face.

I put on my boots and zip up my unattractive winter coat. No more lightweight wearing, it’s all covered and hidden now. This time of the year is the longest season we have. Summer? Two months. Fall? Two months. Spring? Two months. Winter? 5 months. Trapped inside, missing the sun, for 5. Months. The only good thing about all of this is winter break and Christmas. But that’s only 2 weeks out of the 20 weeks of the dreaded winter.

Spring gives you that hopeful feeling, and that sense of serenity as you day dream in class about the activities outside. Swimming, bike riding, walks and not having to think about your nose running. Outside is a place that is meant for fun, meant to be loved. But in all actuality, we only spend about 3 days outside if you accumulate walking back and forth, and add on the minimal recreation. Once again, if you do the math, that’s 3 days out of 365! I’m sick of stale air, I’m sick of being confined. I just want to take in the world and escape from everything. Why get buried in such dull, uninteresting stuff, when in the end it won’t even matter.

Rochester is cold, rainy and depressing. It begs you to go inside and get lost in facts. Nothing about this place tempts me to run outside and love life, and instead it gives me the complete opposite vibe. Why do people even crave winter? Sure it’s “pretty” at first, but who wants to see white after white all day? It gets boring, and frankly I’d prefer to see trees that look like trees, and people with color. Pale, almost dead are people in winter. I want the life back in people. I want the life back in life.
Okay I’m done whining now.

The author's comments:
You can really relate to this if you live in a place with a large winter. If you're someone else living in a place with no snow... you probably won't understand this:p

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 29 2009 at 4:54 pm
Christy PLATINUM, Arden Hills, Minnesota
23 articles 18 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is not a destination, but a way of travel."

I really thought this was an interesting view on winter since I'm from Minnesota, and am constantly around snow. I don't find it snow nearly as terrible as you do, but I find you really justified your reasons for disliking winter well. Good job.