The Olypics: Ancient vs Modern | Teen Ink

The Olypics: Ancient vs Modern

May 27, 2009
By Jimmy Armstrong BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
Jimmy Armstrong BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many similarities between the ancient Greek Olympics and the Olympics that we know of today. One of the main differences is the apparel, or lack of. In Ancient Greece the athletes competed in the nude. They believed that it made them lighter and faster. Today, athletes were lightweight clothing to have the quickness but also remain covered. Another difference is the brutality. In ancient Greece the athletes would die trying, literally. In sports such as boxing and wrestling the rules were extremely relaxed. The fighters would compete until they died with fear of the shame that was brought upon the loser. Today, there are many safety regulations and the athletes are not willing to die for a sport. The final difference is the award system. In Ancient Greece the only award was a gold medal given to the winner. Today, there is the gold for first place, silver for second, and bronze for third. In conclusion, the Olympics have changed from the ancient times to modern day.

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