Better | Teen Ink


May 5, 2021
By cajjr24 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
cajjr24 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was once said that everyone was subject to a better place

Better trees, better life, better days

Better health, better food, better ways

But it seems as if we have forgotten our sense of better and instead replaced it with the concept of bitter.

When you don’t like the way a particular person walks or talks, even how that person behaves, you irrationally become bitter.

When you see someone that is acting saintly and you want to be that person in a sense that you envy them, you become bitter..

Moreover, when it comes to the feeling of importance, people feel as if certain men and women have the pedestal due to status.

You can smell the hatred from a mile away, you can feel the apparent winds of social class and standards, you can see the existing strands of prejudice, you can smell the stench of dubious injustice, and you can taste the.... well... bitterness.

You do not need a pedestal to be important. America has shaped our minds to think that if we do not look a certain way, if we do not have a certain amount of likes on a snapshot of a moment of time, if we do not have a certain taste in music, if we do not have a certain type of woman or man or human in mind, that we are in the wrong.

However, my brother and sister, you are not wrong. No matter what ethnicity, tribe, creed, family, race that you come from, you are not wrong. You are just as important as any celebrity in this world, from the greatest to the least. It does not matter the floods of likes that you receive, it does not matter the rivers of comments that you get, it does not matter the mountains of follows you will bring in, what matters is if every day you look in the mirror and say,

“I am important, I am of importance, and I mean as much as anyone else in the world. Nobody else may believe it, but I believe it, and that matters.”

You will be okay, because if every human being is able to do this without too much pride or a load of humility, we will be able to say that we, as individuals, then bringing this   outward as a group, then loving on one another as a family, will be able to humbly say that we left a mark on this world, doing everything that we could to make this world a greater place, leaving this world after we have left it....


The author's comments:

I am a black male and alsoo someone that is trying to change the world step by step. In order to make the world a better place, you have to ultimately make yourself a better place first.

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