The Physics Of A First Kiss | Teen Ink

The Physics Of A First Kiss

April 30, 2009
By Angela Moxley BRONZE, Norman Park, Georgia
Angela Moxley BRONZE, Norman Park, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing beats a first kiss. The uncontrollable butterflies that pulsate through your stomach, the cold sweat that forms in your palms, the flutter of your heart as it seems to take wings and fly out of your body: the epitome of the teenage experience. A violent explosion of fireworks seems to fill the sky with exciting streaks of colorful light when virgin lips come in contact with another for the first time. No matter how many nerves are present, the victorious joy of overcoming a major obstacle, passing over the threshold that lies between childish dreams and mature relationships, races through the body…from the brain right down to the heart. Just as other natural phenomenons- the recognition of light in the eye…the reception of sound in one’s ear….the deliverance of pain/pleasure from the brain- the physics of a first kiss all happen so fast one cannot measure or see on ones own.
As soon as my eyes closed and my eager lips touched with his, I was Cinderella as soon as Prince Charming slipped my long lost glass slipper on my foot and realized I was the one he had been longing for. I was Snow White being awoken from my deep, poisonous sleep by the kiss of my heart’s mate to live the rest of my days along his side. I was Jasmine being shown a whole new world on a magic carpet ride. I was Sleeping Beauty being awoken to live my “happily every after” with my soul mate.

In that moment, I experienced the wonderful shift from a knobby kneed girl to a curious, exhilarated young woman. I was swept off my feet and let down in greener pastures. I came out of my cocoon and bloomed into the beginnings of the person I would one day become. As the page turned in my story and I embarked on a new chapter-a chapter full of many more kisses, first loves, first heart breaks, choices that I previously could not have made, many mistakes, and even more victories--I was filled with the excitement of an adventure, an adventure that had many possibilities. The physics of a first kiss… the electrical charges that stream through the body transforming a girl’s genetic make up and mental out-look on life when she experiences her first physical sign of affection is one of the many unexplainable wonders in life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 1 2009 at 4:06 am
Shane Miller BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
1 article 0 photos 7 comments
Yeah, you definitely are a different, more mature, person after your first kiss.