Excellence | Teen Ink


April 29, 2009
By Jack Northman BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
Jack Northman BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Excellence is not something that can be given. People cannot be born with it, and it cannot be bought. Excellence is something that one makes and shapes oneself. Excellence is doing one’s best, trying one’s hardest, and applying oneself to whatever it is one is doing, whether it is something one is good at or something one is not. Excellence can take daunting tasks and make them easy. Most people desire excellence; the world is full of people trying to get to the top, giving it their all for everything they do. But what many people don’t realize is that just by trying their hardest, they are already there. One does not need to be better than everyone else. One just needs to do one’s best and be the best one can be. Many people don’t think they possess excellence. Just because excellence cannot be given, causes many people to not even try to attain it. However, they do not understand how easy it really is to be excellent. All it takes is hard work and determination. Everyone possesses the ability to be excellen, but it’s those, who chose to be excellent who truly are.

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