My VIce and Virtue | Teen Ink

My VIce and Virtue

May 2, 2019
By vchamorro BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
vchamorro BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For my vice and virtue I chose the letter V, which stands for vain and vivacious. A vice is an immoral or evil personal characteristic. For my vice I chose vain because I sometimes think others are inferior to me. I do this because I can be judgemental, but I try to realize when I do it and stop myself. For example, in school when I get a better grade than someone else I feel like I have accomplished more than that person, which can make me look quite vain.

The virtue that I chose is vivacious. I am vivacious because I like to brighten other people’s days, and make everyone I can happy. I try to be vivacious wherever I go and always have a good attitude. I am very outgoing and talk to a lot of people. Because of my virtue I make friends quite easily by means of opening up and relating to others’ lives. I tend to explore my opportunities and try new things, because we only have limited time on this earth to be adventurous.

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