Lake Conversation | Teen Ink

Lake Conversation

February 17, 2019
By Tadashy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Tadashy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She starts out the story with a sense of worry of anticipation with this, “I woke up that morning with a pit in my stomach, one that felt like I’d been sucker punched in the gut by a professional boxer.” She then goes to her phone buzzing which makes the reader wonder what she is waiting for, what had she sent someone. She feels claustrophobic though her room is spacious and as if the air from her lungs are leaving her with this she seems to be having a lot of anxiety. She goes for a walk to try and clear her head of what she had maybe sent to this person she has her music loud to try and block out all of her thought hoping to get away from the subject. In the rest of the story she walks around the lake hoping it would distract but at the end she finally makes the decision to tell the person her true feeling for them, “I’m going to say something that you’re not gonna like, that you’ve probably already guessed because you’re smart, but I – I like you.”  

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