New Age Bullying | Teen Ink

New Age Bullying

January 28, 2019
By NellyBell18 SILVER, Wilminton, Delaware
NellyBell18 SILVER, Wilminton, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying is everywhere we know, it’s at home, jobs, schools, and the internet. To me bullying means a lot of things and it also leads to a lot of things as well. What bullying means to me is that one person might be jealous of another person so they start to be more aggressive towards them in some type of way. Although, to other people, bullying might mean something different. Bullying doesn’t always mean it is physical contact but it is also verbal even behind your back by anyone.

Most people may not see it, especially adults/parents but bullying leads to depression, anxiety, anger/violence, and many others. All that leads to one thing that no one wants anybody to do and that is suicide. People shouldn't have to deal with any type of bullying in their life, it’s not right, to say the least. There are three main types of bullying; physical, verbal and cyber. Physical bullying is when someone doesn’t like you so they put all that anger into pushing you around and hitting you. Someone who is or was a victim of physical bullying, tend to do it to other people to make them feel better and to let their pain out on other people.

Verbal bullying is someone who likes to hurt you with their words. Maybe they think that themselves aren’t perfect so they pick on someone who they think is more perfect than them. They also do it because they think that they are bigger and badder than everyone else. Many people have various different reasons for doing something like bullying other people. It can come from kids parents as well and how their parents raised them. For example, a child's parents get on them about their grades, then they start putting them down and telling the kid that they’re a disappointment.

Cyber bullying is something that has been more common these past couple of years. When people cyber bully someone, they’re calling them names and other bad things because they might be bored with their own lives or they like torturing people online to make themselves feel better. People make fake accounts on Instagram, Facebook, etc to post and make fun of people they don’t like. Most cyberbully victims end up getting depressed with their life especially when they are being made fun of in school. Teens can’t take the pressure of being bullied, trying to hold up their pride while focusing on their education for their future.

These three types of bullying, are half of the reason why people hide themselves. They are afraid of being judged by their looks, their body, the way they dress etc. This is why they don’t talk in school or they look sad all the time. Any type of bullying could possibly lead to suicide because boys/girls think that they have no way out of the world that is hurting them. Some things that I know can help is counselling, talking to someone who can make a difference, writing or even finding a quiet place where it feels like nothing else matters. Bullying is something serious to worry about especially with teens. No one ever deserves to be bullied for anything.    

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