Terror vs the Price family | Teen Ink

Terror vs the Price family

December 18, 2014
By Edwin Hook, san diego, California
More by this author
Edwin Hook, San Diego, California
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Author's note:

This is my last year of point loma high school. I'm seventeen years old. I live with my mom and myself. I like to play video games. like call of duty, Lego video games, and Batman arkham series video games. And like to go fishing everyday.

In beautiful spring day, there comes a wonderful  Family , James Price, a good husband and loving father, and always watching his children and their family and also he likes to read books all the time. His Wife Elizabeth Price a loving wife and a  housewife, and their children Meg and Jack.Their children were on spring break, also for them too. They riding a wagon along with a horse. They came all the way from New York to see  James relatives, his relatives are John,the brother of James, Susan , the cousin of James. They were riding on the streets, they were close by the woods, the woods filled with beautiful trees. The children of James and Elizabeth were bored and tired, they asked their father question.
Jack asked, “Are we there yet?”
Meg asked, “Yeah, are we there yet?”
       “Yes, were almost there” said James, paling his horse. While James and his family  are on their way to see James family. John was at the dining room, John looks like in his fifty and talks like it.  but he’s in 30’s. And he was drinking his  rum and smoking his cigar and sitting his chair in the main table and thinking about himself.And thinking about his good times with his friend Robert Hooke, thinking about he went to school with him and he feels guilty about it. He was sitting at  The table. T is filled with black. The table is long. The chairs is big as a king or queens. and John got up and  left the room like he was hiding something and went to his room to be alone and before he did that he went to his cousin Susan to let her know that he going to his room and Susan says “okay”.  After he went to see Susan, he went upstairs and being very quite.
While John  is doing something else. James and his family finally arrived in New Jersey.  When they arrived in New Jersey and to the castle. They saw some scary trees, the trees have no leaves. They heard of  the scary sound of owl. and they also see some scary Crows and Ravens in the black trees, their kids were scared because of the Crows and Ravens.
     James said “It’s okay children were getting close to the castle.”
The Price Family  saw some  big crocodile and alligator in lake and at the beach, They arrived in the castle, they saw a big scary castle, and  the castle is filled with black and all black, the thunder came next  to the castle, the thunder came and it was very loud.
Elizabeth asked James, “does your brother and your cousin live in spooky place?”
     James said, “of course not,” he said. “My brother John and my cousin Susan does not live a spooky place,“they would never live like this.”
Meg and Jack were being so frightful and  even ever.
Elizabeth said to the children,” It’s alright, just hold tight.”
“Okay” said Jack.
“Yeah okay”said Meg.
“Oh look were finally were here” said James.
They arrived in castle, the castle is filled with blacks and all blacks. The castle looks a 500 years old and James was thinking about why would John live in that scary castle. The thunder came, it was very loud as ever, it was starting to rain, the horse is making that noise, James was tying the horse in the tree with the  string.  the children were near by the wagon Elizabeth sat next to them. and they were hiding in the wagon.
“Come out children, it’s time to come” said James.
Elizabeth said to them. ”Its all right, it’s just a castle.”
The kids say “okay.”
their  John and my cousin Susan  said James”.They got out of the wagon. and They were taking their suitcase to the castle, they were walking to the castle. James was using his black  umbrella to cover his wife Elizabeth and his children Meg and Jack, and also for himself. They were walking slow because of the storm. It took them like Twenty minutes or so. And when they finally arrive to the castle, James turn around and  said something to the children.
“Remember children, be nice and respectful”
“Meg and Jack says “okay”.
Jamers knock on the door, he knock on the door three times, the door open.
The man asked them “Can I help you?” 
James said, “were the Price Family ”, this my wife  Elizabeth”.
“nice to meet you” Elizabeth said.
“These are my kids” James said.
     Jack and Meg said “hi” they said. “Were here to see my broth
     The man says, “oh my name Mr. Penny”, “I’m the butler of John and Susan  price”.
“Come inside it’s starting to get dark” said the butler.  They enter the castle they were in black hall, everything was black and with webbs and painting and few  pictures and few Spiders on the web or the wall. And their black knights on the wall . On the stairs and in the black hall. The stairs filled with red. the carpet filled with red and orange. The butler help James undressed his coat and his hat and hie help his wife too, And his children too.
While the butler is help the price Family. Some woman  was calling the butler.

“Dear!”the woman called.
“Can you help me with my dishes?” the woman asked.
The butler yelled “yeah I’ll be there in few minutes” he said.
     “Oh that’s my wife” she can be loud all the time” he said.
His wife just keep yelling at him. “honey can you help with my dishes now”?  she asked.
“I'm coming” he said.
His wife yelled “now!”
“I’m coming honey! ,god she never leave me alone” said Mr. penny, being angry.

The butler left to go help his wife. While the butler left, there a Africain man standing by the stairs and he was walking to them and asked the Price Family ,
“who are you people?” he asked.
“I’m James Price”  said James, shaking the african man.
      I’m John’s brother”. “ and cousin of Susan . This is my wife Elizabeth”.
“Nice to meet you,” said Elizabeth.
“and our children Meg and Jack,”.
“Hi” said Meg and Jack.
“were here to stay with them” said Elizabeth and you are?’
     “I’m  Dr. Stubbs”he said,shaking Elizabeth hand again and James hand too, again.
The woman called,” Dr. Stubbs” she said.
“What's going on here?” she asked.
“Why do I hear screaming in the house” she asked again. 
The doctor said,”oh um ms price,” he said,  these people are your relatives, he said.
While the doctor was talking, Susan  was staring at James.
  “James?” she asked.
      “Susan?”  James replied.
when they were looking at each other, they were so happy and being loud as children and  they  were hugging together.
“Oh I miss you much!” said Susan  , being so happy.
“So happy to see you James,” said Susan.
“I miss you too,”! said James
“Oh Susan ,um... this is my wife Elizabeth”.
Susan shaking  Elizabeth hand.
“Nice to meet you Elizabeth said Susan . “Yes nice to meet you” said Elizabeth.
“And these are my children Meg and Jack”.
Nice to meet you children” said Susan
“hello Susan ” said meg and Jack.
“There just little scared from the thunder, that’s all” said James.
“Oh” said Susan .
     “I believe you just met  Dr. Stubbs?”  said Susan .
     “yes”, we just met” said Dr. Stubbs.
     “Susan, how my brother John?” said James, “he doing all right” said Susan .
“I’ll take you to him” said Susan ,
     James said “to where”? he asked.
“To his Room” said Susan .
“okay, you children stay here till you guys go to your rooms ” said James.
“Why do we have To Stay Here, I like to see our uncle said Jack complaining about everything. 
“You will met him” said James.
“Mr. Penny will show you to the rooms” said Dr. Stubbs.
He ring the bell, Mr Penny came.
he said “What’s up Doc”?
“Can you show these people to these people to their room”? the doctor asked.
“Sure Doc” said Mr. Penny.

James  was carrying his suitcase, and walkingupstairs  with Susan  to see his brother. While James and Susan  were walking, they were walking  in  scary black hall. James was seeing panting picture that reminds him of british people or french. While they were walking.
      James asked Susan , “how long you guys live here?”
“for ten years” said Susan .
James asked Susan  again “So how far is John room”? he asked.
“were getting close” said Susan .
“Ah, finally were here” said Susan .
They were at the door, Susan was knocking on the door, the door open. James open the door and came out of door like a scary person. and also like drunken man, his clothes is messy and his face is hairy as wolverine.  John asked Susan 
“Susan, who is this man?”.
”This is your brother James”.
John said “Jimmy”,
John was staring at like a dog and  John gave him a big hug to him. “It’s been a such a long time” said John  so happy to see James.
“how you're doing?” said James.
     “I’m doing alright” said John being so happy.
“so  you're here to speed the  night with us”? said John.
“yes”,  with my wife and our children” said James.
“Mr. and Mrs.penny will take you to your room” said John, “and your wife and kids too”.
“ Dr. Stubbs already took care of it” said Susan .
“Oh, well um good to see you see again Jimmy” said John.

While James and John are reunited together Mr. Penny show the guest to their room. The guest is Elizabeth, John and Meg. The butler show the children to their rooms. Jack says something.
“Do we have to share our rooms with Meg”? said Jack.
“Yes, you have to” said Elizabeth.
“When I can sleep by myself”? said Meg.
“When you are in early teens” said Elizabeth.
“okay” said Meg complaining about sleeping with his brother.
While Meg and Jack are in room together. Mr. penny show Elizabeth to her room and of course James too. Mr. Penny Find the room for Elizabeth and James to his room. Elizabeth says thank you to Mr. Penny, for showing to her room and James room too, and Elizabeth children too. After Elizabeth says thank you to Mr Penny, Mr. Penny went to help his annoying wife with her other stuff and cleaning. while James, Elizabeth and their children are enjoying their stay.   James at his room. Loading his clothes to his closet. While James was loading his clothes.  James was looking at the picture on the wall, the picture is the man with is gorgestice hair and his mustache. He was walking to the picture on the wall. The door was knocking.
         James said “yes?”
The door open. it was John.
     John said  “I trust that you are very comfortable living here?”.
     “who that in picture?”James asked pointing the picture.
John said “That’s my friend Robert Hooke”, he served in north during the civil war”
     James asked “ what happened to him?”
“He was killed in action” said John.
“Oh god I’m really sorry”, he said,
The knocking came.
James said “yes”? It was    Mrs.Penny,
     “I’m just reminding you that dinner start at six”, said Mrs. Penny
     “okay” said James.

Mr Penny yelled,“Honey”!
“can you come down the kitchen and help with the cleaning”?  he asked,
        Mrs. Penny yelled “okay honey, “I’ll be there in minute” she said.
“Now! right now hon”! he yelled,
“okay” she said,
“god he never leave me alone” she said.
After she left the room to  go help her husband. John said something to his brother James.
“I’ll see at dinner” he said. John turnaround said something to James.
“Oh um before I go, can I ask you personal question”?
“Um sure I guess” said James 
“So Elizabeth is good to you”? said  John.
“Yes she was good to me and she a most beautiful woman I ever meant” said James.
“Just checking” said John.
John left the room and closed the door.
After John left the room, James was staring at the window. James feels like there going to be a mystery.  The storming came and the thunder came too. And  he feels something not right, he says
“Something not right, not very”.  Later in night, the price Family , James, Elizabeth, and their children. and the doctor too, also John and Susan  were at the dining room. Having dinner with each other. They were having dinner at the fireplace, they were eating ham, with wine and a glass of water, but for the kids only. While they were eating.
Jack asked the Doctor question. “What kind of doctor are you?”
     “Well young Price, um,  I’m a medical doctor. and also a psychiatrist too”, he said.
“so doctor how long you have lived here?” James asked.
          “Since I was seventeen” the Doctor said
“for ten years” The doctor said.

“And how does it feel to  be a Doctor” James asked again

“Feels a lot of work” said the Doctor.
     Elizabeth asked Susan  “how long does the Penny’s worked here?”
     “For ten years”, she said.
     Meg asked John.” Uncle John, How old is the castle”?
     “Since the American revolutionary war”, he said.
“what’s a American revolutionary war”? Jack asked.
“It’s a war between u.s and british”, James said.
“What's a war”? Meg asked.
“A war means a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state said Elizabeth.
“Is it  fun?”, Jack asked.
“No it’s not fun”, said Susan .

“What’s war like”? Jack asked.
“killing each other and using weapons”  said John.
James asked Susan  and John, “so how everything going on over here in New Jersey ”?
John said “great”.
Susan asked Elizabeth “How New York Elizabeth” .

Elizabeth said “It’s all right” she said.

“good” said Susan .



Later in the night. After they finished their dinner. Everyone went to their bed. The thunder came again it’s getting badly as usual. The clouds were getting dark. The ravens were stand still as soldier. The rain was getting worse as usual. The lake was getting dark. The Crows  were flying faster than usual  The crocs and alligators are killing each other in lake and on the beach. While the storm is lighting. Dr Stubbs was in his bed. His bedroom is old and nice and clean as a king or queens room. He was having a nightmare. About his Family  being separate and his children too. Including his wife. She was killed for not following orders and he woke up so frightful and taking some deep breath and  he was taking a deep breath again and again. After he took some deep breath, he went back to bed. While  Dr. Stubbs was sleeping. The penny’s were sleeping in there room. The room is filled with messing things, their beds is unmade. They were snoring like pigs. Mr penny was hitting his wife in the head and    Mrs.  penny was kicking his husband foot.While the Penny’s were sleeping like babies. John was in his room sleeping like a dead person. He was dreaming about going to bars and smoking and hanging out with his friends. and hanging out with his few girlfriends.  but when the civil war came. He friends and his girlfriends  were killed by the south soldiers. He woke up and he was taking a drink a rum and from a  beer and he went back to bed and slept like a dead person again. While John is sleeping  Susan   was at her room. Sleeping like angels. She was dreaming about her childhood, with her cousins John and James. While Susan  was sleeping. James and Elizabeth were sleeping like quite people. James Rooms is nice and clean as kings or queens and the walls is white. But for his brother John room is dirty and messy. James house nice and clean but for his brother John castle, the castle is scary and all black. The bed is big as castle bed. the table was clean. James was dreaming about John and himself are playing outside and when they are older, they were separate and James wants to know why they were separate. While James and his wife are sleeping. Meg and Jack were sleeping in another  room like Babies. While Meg and Jack are sleeping like angels again. Meg and jack window got  opened. The person came in the room was dark and unseen face, then he open his mouth, with his sharp teeth, he was  roaring like a werewolf. but the kids wake up, when they wake up, they were screaming, like their were on fire. when they scream. James and Elizabeth wake up in their room, and everyone else.
James said “Jack and Meg”! “Oh my god”, “they screaming like their on fire”, said James so worrying about his kids.
  “We  should  go check”, Elizabeth  suggested.
They got out of the bed and put their flip flops, they open the door, they got out of the rooms  and They were walking to the black hall. While they were walking.  They ran into  Dr. Stobbs, John and Susan .
     John asked “what’s going on”, why are Your kids are screaming”?
“yeah”, “why is somebody screaming”? Mr penny asked.
yeah what’s going on?”    Mrs. penny asked.
“Shut up” said Mr Penny being grumpy.
“No you shut up” said    Mrs.  Penny starting to become very angry.
“Are you fighting with me honey” said Mr Penny.
While Mr and  Mrs.  Penny are starting to argue with each other. Dr. stubbs is making the argument stop.
“look, um Mr and    Mrs.  penny, we should go check out who screaming”.
“Alright” said Mr penny being angry at his wife.

“We should go check” James suggested.

They were walking to the dark hall and they were at the children room. They were  by the door  to Jack and Meg room. While they were at the door. Jack and meg were hiding under the bed because of the monster. James knock on the door

James asked  “Everything okay children?

When James asked their kids question. They hear a monster roar. James open the door. He went to the room. when he open the door or enter the room. He saw a monster in dark, he roared like a werewolf he jump out of the window. Meg and Jack came out of the bed and went to hide by near James.

James asked them. “What happened”

“ We saw  saw a monster or some kind of creature or something”.

“What creature”? James asked.
Elizabeth asked too “What’s going on”?
“It came to us and scared us and we went to underbed to hide, it came to us”. said Jack being so scared and he about to cried “yeah”, it came to us” Meg said.
“Look can we just go back to sleep”? Mr Penny suggested.
“yeah I’m tired” said  Mrs. penny.
“Well at least the monster is gone” said James.
“we’ll talking about in morning”said ELizabeth.
“Now young Jack and Meg I”ll check on you guys in morning” said  Dr. Stobbs.
     “Now get sleep” the Doctor suggested.  everybody went back to their bed and they turn their lights out. The storm came. And it was running.

The next morning. The sun shows up as a light. The sky was light blue as a color pencil.  everyone one wakes up for their breakfast. They were so tired from last night. The Doctor went to check on the children. The doctor went to the room. The children were sitting at their bed.
The children asked the doctor question “yes”?
“I’m here to ask you children some question from last night.”
“So tell me young Meg and Jack. You saw a creature from last night”.
“Yes um I don’t know, It was so dark I could it  see it, but it roared like a animal”. said Meg.
“Yeah it roared like a werewolf” said Jack.
“We all heard of the roar” said the doctor.
“It was so dark, we couldn't see anything”. said Meg remember that horrible night.
“So tell me children. What happened after you guys saw a monster”? said     Dr. Stubbs.
“We head under the bed to hide from the monster” said Meg.
“Okay children, what happened after you hide under the bed”? said Dr.Stubbs
“We stayed in the bed, but when the monster disappeared or when father came to our bed. We went to him and that pretty much it”.
“Okay children, thank you for everything” said the doctor.   Dr. Stubbs left the room to go get ready for breakfast. And the children are ready for breakfast too.

They were at dining room, having breakfast.  everyone seems so quiet as a statue
James said something
“so you think that monster is real”? James asked.
“No I don’t thinks so”, said Susan .
The doctor suggested something, “you know It’s just thought, “we need someone stay with your children”, The doctor said.
      “ I’ll stay with my children”  said Elizabeth.
no I’ll stay with my children James said.
“Why not both of you guys stay with your kids”, John suggested,
“Yeah It”s better to stay with them” said Susan , trying to help with the problem.
“ All right, we'll do it”,said James.
After everybody finished their breakfast James was walking with Elizabeth James was letting her know that he is going to the library, to find a book about monsters. After James let his wife know what he doing. James went to the library to find a book about monsters, he went to the library room, when he walked in the library the books were everywhere on top and bottom  and their  ladder like a lot, band lot of tables too. And their the  light coming from the window. and he was walking to the  wall and went on the ladder, he was climbing on the ladder to find the book, their light coming from the window. he find the book and take it to the table, he was reading a book, and looking some pictures of some monster in the book, monster like werewolf, zombies, and some  other  types of monsters. While James was reading his books. John was at his room sitting his desk. The room filled with messy things, bed unmade, there cigars on tables, the curtains are closed.  Rums, beers and very hard alcohol are on the floors. The room smells like smoke or fire, John was drinking his beer and smoking a cigar and John was thinking about his friend Robert Hooke, remember his time with him, going to a bar with him and his friends, laughing so hard, cracks some jokes very good jokes, they would smoke some cigars in bars or outside, but when the civil war came, Robert was drafted in north. John felt sorry for him, for everything, he crying so hard, very hard, Robert said goodbye to him. but 6 months later. the north soldiers  reported to James that his friend Robert Hooke was killed in action, in the battle and John  was crying about that, and his eyes filled with tears and he was starting to cry right now.while John was crying about his friend , Meg and Jack were outside playing like ordinary children in grass, in back of castle. Elizabeth was at the window see children playing together, she was smiling. Elizabeth  went to check on them. She was outside to check on the kids, she walked on them and asked them.
     “Are you children okay”?  “Yes were okay” Meg and Jack said.
Elizabeth said “all right I’m gonna be  inside, Lunch starts at Twelve”.
“Okay” said Meg and Jack.
Elizabeth left and went back to the castle.

After everyone had their lunch. No one never say anything at lunch. Everyone didn’t like their lunch, it was horrible. Elizabeth forgot to ask James a question  Elizabeth went to the hall. She was following James.
Elizabeth said “hey James, any luck finding monster in book”?
“No I have not find anything in book” said James.”

“    So you think that monster are real? Elizabeth asked.
“I don’t know” said James.
     “You think we’ll be  alright? Elizabeth asked.
“I hope so ” said James.

James left Elizabeth alone in the black hall.
Later in night everyone went to bed, James and Elizabeth went to bed with their children, and the other just went bed as ordinary people, Mr. and    Mrs.  Penny were sleeping as Pigs  Mrs. penny got up. Her eyes were red as ordinary red and She left the room while Mr. Penny was sleeping like Pig again. Mrs Penny went to the black hall and she was walking  downstairs. when she went downstairs. she heard something strange. She turn around and she saw something and someone fell on to her. And the monster was biting on her, and the monster disappeared and Mrs. Penny neck is starting to bleed.

The next morning everyone wakes up for their breakfast. Meg and Jack got up to go play outside. They left the room. They were walking to the black hall and they went downstairs. When they went downstairs. They smell something very stinky and they say it smell like a dead rat and they follow the smell and they saw a dead body on the matt and they touch the body and grabbed the face, the face was bloody the nick was bleeding, the kids screamed James heard the noise he went to the black hall and followed the noise they bumped to the kids.
James asked the kids a question “What’s going on children”?.
While James was asking, he saw somebody on the floor. “ The body” said Jack. pointed his finger  downstairs.
“ Yeah there the body ” said Meg.
“I’ll check” said James.
James was walking downstairs, he saw the body on the ground.
James said “Oh my god,  Mrs.  Penny”! Kids came by the stairs and saw  Mrs. Penny and their father.
“Kids go and find your mother and Dr. Stubbs”
“Yes father said Jack. Meg and Jack run upstairs to find them. Elizabeth was walking to the black hall. While Elizabeth was walking she bumped to Susan .
“OH I’m so sorry about that said Elizabeth.
”No I’m sorry” said Susan .
While  Susan  and Elizabeth are saying sorry to each other.  Dr. Stobbs walk to Elizabeth and Susan.
     He asked them “ have you ladies heard any noise at all”? the Doctor asked
“ No I haven't heard anything at all” said  Elizabeth.
     Me either” said Susan .
while Susan , Elizabeth and the Doctor are talking in black hall, Meg and Jack ran up to him and said something.
“Hey guys” while Meg and Jack are saying something to them they were  taking a deep breath from running. Elizabeth asked the children
“What is it dear”? 
“We found the body” said Jack.
“What”? said Elizabeth.
“What body”? the Doctor asked.

“You know, the body of human being” said Meg. “where the body”? Susan  asked.
“It’s downstairs”, “my father with the body“. 
while Meg and Jack , The Doctor, Susan  and Elizabeth were talking, John was walking and  smoking with his cigar, John ran to them he asked them
“What's going on”?
“The children saw a dead body” said Elizabeth.

Do you know who the deceased person is”? The doctor asked.
What’s deceased”? Jack asked.

“It means it’s dead” said John, smoking his cigar.
I think  its     Mrs.   Penny said Jack. “Oh my god    Mrs. Penny” I feel so sorry for her” said Susan .
“Oh that reminds me my father wants you guys to take look at the body” said Jack.
“we’ll check in out” said Elizabeth.
“You children go to your rooms and stay there till I tell to” said Elizabeth.
“I’ll go find Mr. Penny” said Susan .

They find James and Mrs. Penny, the deceased woman. They were down stairs buy the rug, they were just staring at the dead body of Mrs.   Penny. The people are James, his wife Elizabeth, and his brother John 
“She has been dead since midnight” said the doctor.
“And wants was the cause of death“?  James asked.
“We’ll I don’t know yet, but there the mark on the neck, there are two bit  on neck” the doctor said.
     “Oh god there bites on the neck,how horrible” said Elizabeth.
“Where did the bites come from” said James.
“oh wait I remember there something a bit on neck I don’t remember it, I’ll check the book again, but not right now” said James.
While everyone was talking. Mr Penny and Susan  were walking to see his wife 
“Where my wife” said Mr. Penny, walking with Susan .
“I like to see her face” said Mr. Penny.
Mr. Penny looked down on his wife on the ground and when he look down on his wife, he was smiling and laughing
“Mr. Penny”? the Doctor asked.
“What’s so funny”? John asked.
“Yeah what's so funny”? Elizabeth asked.

“Because she dead” Mr Penny so happy and laughing.
“Why are happy that she dead”? said Susan.

“Because she was jerk and she cheating on me”.
“So did you” said John, lighting a another cigar.
“Well let’s move this body down to the basement” the Doctor suggested.
“Yeah let’s get rid of this this awful smell” John suggested, smoking his cigar.  John and the Doctor moved    Mrs.   Penny body to the basement, they arrived the basement, the basement is dark along with webs and few spiders they put the    Mrs.  Penny in big box.
“Well at least that smell is gone” said John. They left the basement. John and the Doctor return to the stairs.
James said something “Alright I’m going to find a book about monster again” said James, James left and walked to the library.

James walked in the library, James was rushing to find a book and he finally found the book and he went to the desk to read and to sit. James was reading and finally, he found monster who bites people in neck, it was a vampire. James went to find other that he found a vampire in book. He left the library to find the other, he was caring with his monster book with him, he was walking t the hall he ran into Susan ,
Susan! said James
“yes”? said Susan .
“I find a monster that bite people, it was a vampire” said James.
“What”? said Susan
“Yes it was a vampire, the one who scared my children in other night, and the one who killed    Mrs.  Penny” said James.
“So you're saying that the vampire will come again to kill us all”? said Susan .
“I’m afraid so” said James.
While James and Susan  were talking, John was walking and smoking his cigar, he walk up to them.
“what’s going on here”? said John, smoking his cigar again.
“James found a monster who killed    Mrs. penny” said James.
“really Jimmy, what type monster is it”? said John.
“A vampire” said James.
“A what” said John.
“A vampire” said James.
“Here al show to you  in the book”said James.
James opening a book, finding a picture of a vampire, he showing to John. John was looking at the picture of a vampire.
“Oh my god” said John.

While James, John and Susan  are talking.  Dr. Stubbs was walking in black hall they ran into James, John and Susan .
The doctor asked them “What's going on”?

“James discover who the monster is, you know the monster that killed Mr Penny wife” said John smoking his cigar.
“You found the monster in book”? the doctor asked. “Yes, it’s a vampire“ said James.
“A what”? said     Dr. Stubbs.
“Oh Dr. stubbs” said James

“Yes”said the doctor.
“I got a plan” said James

Elizabeth ran into Dr.stubbs, Susan , James, and John.
Elizabeth asked them. “What’s going on”?
“James discover who the monster is” said the doctor.
“You did”?! Elizabeth asked
“Yes, It’s a vampire” said James.
“Oh my god, serious”? said Elizabeth.
        Dr.Stubbs said “So you got a plan Mr Price”
“Yes met me at the library at in afternoon” said James. He left to figure out the plan and everyone else did their own business.

Later ,after everybody did their business. The people who in the library are James, John, Elizabeth, Susan , Dr. Stubbs, Mr Penny, and Meg and his brother Jack. They were at the library talking to each other.
James said something. “Okay, here the plan, I know some of you people might be horrified by a monster thing get that and I’m sorry about that. and I understand that the vampire is coming out at night. were gonna have to separate”.
“Separate”?Jack asked. 
“Yes but not alone” said James.
“Okay here the deal. Jack and Meg you stay with your mother at your room. Susan  you stay with my wife and my children, just in case they kill you again”.
“Okay” said Susan .
“Doctor and Mr Penny, you guys are going to check on the other side to find the vampire” said James.
“The other side”? said Dr.Stubbs.
“What do you mean I’m going to be on the otherside”? said Mr Penny.
“Well um somewhere I don’t know maybe on the left side or something”said James.
“John and I will take on the other side” said James
“Sure Jimbo” said John smoking his cigar again.
“Okay let’s end this” said James.
Later in the night everyone wants to catch the vampire and put the end of this. Susan , Elizabeth and her children are in the room. Meg and Jack are sleeping together. Elizabeth was near by them. Susan  was at the door checking make sure everything is okay. There were rooms is dark and very quiet.  James and John were standing by the stairs to wait till the vampire comes. they have candles.  James was careing his revolver and was excited for the vampire to come. John was careing his revolver too and  was smoking his cigar again. While James and John are waiting for the vampire.  Dr.Stubbs and Mr Penny were together and walking together to find the vampire. While the Stubbs and Penny were walking in black hall and looking around, they heard a sound. A strange sound.Then something fell on to them, it was a vampire. The vampire land on the floor and the doctor and Mr Penny saw the vampire in the ground and got scared. 
Dr. Stubbs yelled “Hit the vampire Mr Penny! Hit him!” said Dr.Stubbs yelling at Penny, and being angry.

Mr Penny hit the vampire and hit again and so hard. But then the vampire disappeared,  Dr.Stubbs and Penny look around to find the vampire.But the vampire came back and roar like a werewolf and roared again.
the doctor and Penny run like children.They went someplace to run and tried to hide . While Stubbs and Penny are screaming. John and James are still standing by the stairs. Then the minute later they heard screaming and roaring.
John asked “What was that Jimmy?”.
“I don’t know John,  let’s go check it out” said James. They left the stairs, James think of something.
“Wait, I should check my wife, cousin and my children” said James suggestion and think it through.
“They’ll be fine Jim, let’s go and check it out” said John.
While John and James are find out who screaming or finding out what’s going on. Susan ,  Elizabeth and Elizabeth children Meg and Jack are still in dark room hiding from the vampire, they heard the scream.
The children asked “ Who screaming mother, who doing it”?
Their mother said “don’t worry about children just go back to sleep” she said.
James and John were holding a candle and along with gun. They were walking where Stubbs and Penny were walking in black hall. James step on something and he pick it up. John asked “What is it Jimbo”? he asked.
“Looks like a wood, looks like it belongs to the doctor or Mr. Penny” said James.
then the minute later the vampire shows up. and James shoots the vampire point blake and John shoots it too and the vampire disappeared and the vampire land on James but james moved and the hit the ground and James and John ran.
While they ran John said something.
“You know you're right we should have check on Susan , Elizabeth and her kids Jimmy” said John being right to his brother, they bumped   into Stubbs and Penny.
“Oh I’m sorry doctor please forgive me for that” said James being sorry to  Dr.Stubbs.
“It’s alright Mr Price” said  Dr.Stubbs.
Then they saw the vampire flying around then they starting to run as dogs. They were running to the stairs. Mr Penny fell the stairs and got hit on the ground and the vampire came at him and bit on his neck and killed him to death and his body was cold as in ice his face was blue.
“Oh my god Mr.Penny” said James feeling sorry to him.
“Let’s go Jim he dead we got to go before he kills us” said  Dr.Stubbs being serious.
They Went upstairs to check on Elizabeth, Susan  and Meg and Jack. They were running as dogs. They finally went to her room and James knock on the door. James  yelled.
“Open up” he yelled.
Elizabeth open the door.
She asked “What’s going on James”? she asked
“Where Mr. Penny”? Susan  asked.
“The vampire killed him” said John smoking his cigar.
“How Meg and Jack. James asked.
“Their fine” said Elizabeth.
“Good”said James.
Then the sound came.
James said “Alright you girls stay in room in till I come back. Elizabeth close the door. Then the vampire came these guys were running and they went to the library and James said something.
“Split up” James suggested. They split up John went on right. Stubbs went on the left. James went on the middle then the vampire enter the library. the vampire came at James. He was walking backwards and the vampire came closing to him and then James takes out of his pocket and throws the rock at the vampire and the vampire screams and James runs to the screens and the light came and the light came at the vampire and screamed even louder than before and the vampire exploded as a bomb. And James said.
“Thank god” he  said. And he fell on the ground


The next morning. They called the police. And the police came, they tell them what happened in castle. Then they pack it up to leave that terrible castle. The police took the victims of the dead bodies of Mr. and  Mrs. Penny. They left the castle. John, Susan, Dr.Stubbs leave with James, Elizabeth and their children to go on the wagon along the horse and they moved in with them. Jack and meg went back to school after their spring break, they Later in  their future, James and Elizabeth had two more children one boy and one girl. Jack joins the army and became the captain of the army and served in american spanish war. Elizabeth tells James and her children that her brother have served in north during the civil war. and his grand father have served in american revelonson  war and her father have in war in 1812. And her Great grandfather served  in american revolution. Later in future John died in 1900 from a heart attack. Dr. Stubbs has died of cancer in 1899. Elizabeth and James later died in 1910. Later for Jack he married the girl in 1890 when his brother have served in army. Jack  and the girl have two sons later when first world war came. Two of his sons joins the army but one son got wounded But he fine. and one is okay. later for Meg she died from cancer at 1895.
Many years later Jack had eight grandsons one girl and seven boys, the three boys have served in us marine corps in second world war in the pacific where there japaness  has taken over. and the other three have served in the us army in europe where germany has taken over. two of them got wounded and one got killed. One boy has join the us army in korean war but survived. Jack great grandsons have served in other wars.  And the Price Family  has lived on  from, then and now.

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