Touch of insanity | Teen Ink

Touch of insanity

October 10, 2014
By Anonymous

Author's note:



I was weak from the stab wounds “great job airhead” my insanity was speaking to me acute Voice that is unforgiving. I screamed “SHUT UP!” I told that to my insanity takes over and many places look like a murder scene. “Oh wait it is *laughing insanity*” tears came from my brown eyes I was a famous serial killer. But I didn’t mean to hurt those people Rage INSANITY took over me. I can’t escape this unfair feeling this monster I see in the mirror. “Dissimulation” it whispers I look down at the blood on my pure white ripped skinny jeans and white shirt. Maybe my insanity finally snapped I knew this day would come. “It came IT CAME, “ it’s screaming now I closed my ears trying to stop the screaming pain. “But WHY HIM WHY JAMIE I LOVED HIM” I screamed breaking the mirror. Its here its here again I looked up in the broken mirror and wipe the blood off my hand smiling ear to ear. “Its beautiful hahahaha I want to see more” insanity is taking over me again I ran out of the abandoned house running full speed to the next house I didn’t slaughter yet hahahaha.
*Flashback *
·      “winter wait up babe” Jamie calls to his crying runaway girlfriend.” Stay away Jamie before I hurt you I am a monster!” She runs faster but Jamie keeps up and catches her. “Let go Jamie!” she screams but he just holds her as she cries in his arms. ”Listen baby I love you more then this insanity will take over you Even if my life is on the line my arms are always there holding you my love” he calms his freaked out girlfriend. *Later that night *” Mommy do I look beautiful?” I asked while my cheeks where stitch up with blood pouring down; my mother look horrified. Her perfect daughter slipping away. “ No get away from me monster!” She screamed tears formed in my eyes and I just laughed my laughter got louder and had more insanity Colliding with it. She tried to hit me with a bat but I caught it and grabbed it. “Stop this winter come back to me” She screamed I tried to fight back the insanity but I was too far-gone. Her blood was everywhere after I stabbed her many times. My stepfather came in during my struggle to kill her He got his gun out and started firing but missed. I dodge and weave as the bullets fly toward me I stabbed him once in the stomach as his breathing became heavy. I stabbed him once more faster and faster until he was no more. End of flashback.

Screams all I hear is screams in my head. “Someone save me” I tried to yell but nothing came out. “ YOU CAN’T WIN YOU’RE ONLY HUMAN THE MIND IS A POWERFUL THING HAHAHHA” The voices kept repeating it was all interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my knife and put it behind me as I open the door. As I meet the eyes of these two twin guys I was shocked because this house was abandon so I thought. “ Hello miss but you have to come with us.” The one in the white jacket said. “ Why DO I HAVE TO COME ANYWHERE!” my insanity was about to take over my fear when the boy in the black punches me in the face causing me to cry in pain. Then the two boys tied me up one was on top holding me down the other was tying me up. Then the boy in the white as I looked up I Saw the edge of his blade he was saying “ goodnight love” kicking me in the face knocking me out into complete darkness. “ GET UP WEAKLING “My body wouldn’t budge. But I could hear “we could have done it another way axel” “but she wouldn’t just come to psychopathic twins would she sky?” I hear them but my body was motionless. “ Yea got it what are we gonna do to her?”  My eyes slowed pierced from my eye sockets and see this windshield. Then I notice the car flipped and the boys weren’t in the car so I kicked open the windshield and got up dusted myself off. When I feel arms wrapping around me I tried to escape but it was no use. He throws me down on the ground tying my hands again I mumble crap…. “Sorry honey but you are not going anywhere” sky says on top of me.”Get off of me you waste of time and space!” I yelled hoping he would follow my command but he didn’t. “  Sky get off of the pretty lady” the one in white said I was about to blush but then I got lost in those bright blue eyes. He was looking down in my big brown ones I tried to look away but I was under his spell. He wasn’t normal I got a bad feeling about him I have heard his voice before I just don’t know where. I shut my eyes and then it came rushing back to me. Flash back
“Winter come here sweetie” My mother said I came running down the stairs when I meet the eyes of two twin boys that looked about 16 I was only 14 at the time. “ Yes mom what is it?”  “We have new neighbors come and say hello,” she said smiling “HAHAHAHA WHY NEED MEMORIES WHEN YOU GOT ME!!!!” My insanity was interrupting my memories the screams were unbearable. But I held on to my flash back hearing only his voice “~hello ~ and then I vanished into darkness. End of flashback I wake up hearing guns going off I look up to see axel on top of me protecting my body with his as he lets of shots at the unknown people. My eyes shot open and I pushed him off and began to run at the unknown people. My insanity took over I can’t stop I felt the handle of my knife in my hands. Dodging all their bullets. My voice turned demonic and I started to laughing “ DON’T EVEN POINT YOUR GUNS AT ME HAHAHAA” My blade felt so light cutting and stabbing into their bodies. Blood was all over me as I see one trying to escape I felt like I was moving at supersonic speed when I caught up to him I stab him once in the back to stop him. But I Dragged my blade all the way down cutting a huge circle in his back his scream just fueled my fire. I stop for a minute and grab him by his neck lifting him up in the air.” LOOK IN MY EYES WHAT DO YOU SEE JUST A PRETTY INSANE GIRL WELL YOU’RE  RIGHT” I tighten my grip until I see his face turning a deep shade of purple and then finally to put him out of his misery. I stabbed him in his heart feeling the end of the pulse on my blade made me cry inside. I was a monster.

I dropped his body and fell to my knees crying because I was monster. When I feel an embrace it was axel and he whispered “thank you for saving our lives” I just stood there as my eyes landed on the lost souls of my victims ghostly figures walked around and disappeared. I tried to stand but failed miserably but big arms caught me I looked to see axel why is he treating me like this I was thinking then my insanity speaks “ GOD YOU’RE SUCH A DUMB … HE LIKES YOU HAHAHAHA WOW FALLING FOR A WEAKLING LIKE YOU HAHA HOPEFULLY THE MASTER OF INSANITY OPENS HIS EYES” I puzzled by this statement as he carries me to the car. I looked up to see his eyes but his eyes wasn’t blue they were a deep purple color. He looks down and we make eye contact and his eyes changes back to normal. “ You are amazing jade your insanity I never seen it so powerful” I was confused “ how did you know I am insane.” he softly puts me down in the back seat. A smiled peered through his lips” you will find out later,” he said shutting the door.
Time flies by when you’re in the back of a car going about 90. But I was still puzzled by my minds words “Master of insanity?” I have heard of that title before but don’t know where. I try to recollect my memories but those voices keeps throwing me off but then it all came back to me. *Flash back * “Today on fox 6 news we have learned that there is a unknown killer is at large. He was the title master of insanity because he has killed more than  5,000 people with his knife in a presidential party.” He has disappeared from the earth no leads the cops have lost trace of him”. “If you have seen or lived to see this man please contact your local police station at once “. I literally jolted back from where I was only to be stopped by a window. My head crashed into causing me to scream in pain. Axel looked back and sky just started laugh insanely” Hahahahahahahahahhaha!” I grabbing try to stop my head from bleeding. Axel turned around and got some bandages and some rubbing alcohol. He reached over to me and grabbed me I tried to pull always he says “I won’t hurt you Winter stop resisting “ His voice sounded a little bit crazed if you know what I mean. So I stop resisting and let him clean my wound it hurt like hell. Sky glared at me his eyes wanting to rip me to pieces.

Its hard to watch my brother show love to someone else its always been me and him against the world. Am I getting jealous over this weakling! I must be going insane Oh wait I AM! HOW CAN I CONTROL THIS POWER THIS FEELING TO KILL THE INNOCENT MURDER THE WICKED. I was talking out loud because winter turned in walked over to me. “Sky” she says in a heart breaking voice almost making me crack. Her hand touched my face I pulled away fast but her hand seemed faster the coldness of her delegate finger across my hot forehead. “Your are running a fever “ she says in a low tone. “So” I say kind of harsh But why does she care if I do or not? “ So that means you’re sick so I will have to take care of you” she said annoyed at my comment. “ I don’t need your help, “ I said hoping she would back away but it just made it worst. “ I don’t care if you do or not axel sent me to see what’s wrong with you!” She sighed and grabbed my hand and led me away into the dark house I thought of as my own. She made me sit on the couch “why do you care if I am running a fever?” I asked in a normal tone which I haven’t done in awhile.” Well why not three psychopathic killers all in one household got to make friends “ she said with that smile that could kill anything with the brightness of her white smile. How could Have hated this girl? She is the sweetest most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” What the hell am I talking about! “I can’t be thinking about her in this way axel told me about her she has the ability to go insane like he does. That’s why we came after her she is very dangerous and she doesn’t know how to control it. “BANG BANG”I hear gunshots I looked to see axel having a gun pointed at our Boss well was “get WINTER OUT OF HERE” I hear axel’s insanity voice. When I hear that voice I know something is about to go down. I grab her hand and ran outside to the emergency escape vehicles. Which was motorcycles I cranked it up and she got on and I didn’t wait any time later I took off like a lightening bolt. I can’t believe he would dare to show up when axel completely told him “if he saw his face again he wouldn’t hesitate “ We knew what they where after but we got to her first. And we will protect her even if it means one of us falls.

“ WHY ARE YOU HERE I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY” my insanity was at its best it took the willpower of my body not to murder all of them. My eyes were turning purple and I started laughing like an insane person pssh who is insane it’s so overrated? “ We came to get my property axeline,” I growled under my breath “ TOUCH HER YOU WILL ALL DIE A SLOWLY AND PAINFUL DEATH”I screamed at them. “ Poor Axeline I am the one who made you this way “ flash back  “ Father!!!! Mother!! Where are you? “ This little boy screamed “ you’re mother and father are no longer here” a voice from the shadows spoke. “Where are they?” the little boy said in tears “ they left you here alone and scared but no need for your crying I am here my child” the man from the shadows appeared. The little boy ran into the man’s  arms and began to cry harder. The man just smiled that evil smile as the blood began to run down from where his eyes were. The little boy grabbed the man’s hand in led him into the darkness of the night. *End of flashback*  “ ALL MONSTER ARE CREATED YOU CREATED ME “ Axeline says running at the speed of light taking down all of his body guards now was just him. “Well done Axeline I never dreamed of you being so pathetic “ I tighten my grip on the blade handle. “ IF I AM SO PATHETIC WHY DID YOU CREATE ME WHY DID YOU TURN ME INTO THIS BEAST” I said flipping my blade and mumbling “I was simply making your life a living hell because your father and your worthless mother pay for rebelling from my plane” then it all snapped. I rushed to him holding him up by his neck I wanted to see him suffer but I had a better way to kill this monster. He laughs and says” you are truly pathetic Why couldn’t your brother complete the task of the white house massacre “ that’s when I throw him into the wall leaving an impression  in the wall. “YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BREATHE “ I said slashing him in his throat he just laughed and broke my blade in half. “ I AM NOT HUMAN AXEL I AM THE END OF YOUR REIGN “he said shadows surrounding him and his eyes were piercing red. His face was no more he disappeared in the night. I got out my phone in called sky please answer…

“We are here, “ I said winter has been very shy lately, I feel like something is up. “ cool hang out “ she said with the most pathetic fake smile I have ever seen.” Follow me “ I said grabbing her hand and leading her away.” hey “ she tried to fight back but failed. I moved branches out of the way and let her come through before I let them go like a gentlemen I am not. I see the clearing this surely should put her mind at rest being the perfect weapon in all. I moved the last branch and she said “are we there?” “Yes open your eyes”. I watch her as she open her eyes that beautiful blue met the blue sea and the sunset over the never-ending landscape. She was speechless I could tell the way she admired the sky with the golden colored clouds. To when she looked off into the horizon then she spoke. “ Its so beautiful sky why did you take me here?” I cracked a little laugh “ well I brought you here to show you that weapons aren’t a bad thing people who misused them that’s what make the weapons deadly” I looked over at her as tears form in those blue orbs. “Thank you sky,” she said as I wiped away her tears.” No problem something beautiful like you shouldn’t be ruined with tears”. Just then I heard a bang I grabbed her to me and shielded her for the piercing pains going through me. I let out a painful cry  “well LOOK WHO IT IS” Mitchel says with amusement in his voice. “ WHY ARE YOU HERE!”I screamed in pain with my knife ready. “ Ha-ha to get my prize or my property which ever one she prefers “ “ over my dead body” with that I dash and throw her on my back and jumps off the cliff into the freezing water below. Damn I forgot I couldn’t swim.

Water was surrounding skyline and me I grabbed him because he didn’t know how to swim. The water was feeling up in my lungs as I get closer and closer to the top. It seems like a light year away because the sun reflected as stars in the darkness of this forgotten sea. I reached the top I felt the warmth of the sun and the air filled my lungs once again. I dragged skyline to the shore and began to give him CPR which I could go a lifetime without doing. Pressing on his chest trying to get his pulse and then the unexpected happened. I give him CPR once more and pushing on his chest when finally the water from inside of his lungs comes up. Cough cough  *his breathing was going back to normal. I fell back and rest on the bed of pebbles I was tired from swimming

I woke up to the smell of something burning I looked around to see skyline cooking meat over a fire. “How long have I been out?” I asked, “About three hours I was worried about you”. “Well I am worried about you let me see those gun shot wounds” Skyline stopped for a minute and gave me a look like he was a lost puppy but he knew it had to be done.” Okay “ He said taking off his shirt showing all of his upper body which was a nice site to see.

“PICK UP UR PHONE I KNOW YOU WANNA ANSWER IT” sky’s phone went off so we pulled over. ”Hello.“ sky says in the phone “ hey its me axel get her to the cabin on 967 elm road” sky’s facial expression went from worried to angry “why that’s only for when we need shelter from the cops!” “ I know sky but winter is in trouble their after her he is coming to get his property “ I took the phone and said  “ look here I am nobody’s property and if he wants me well sorry I am not for sell “ sky rushes at me to take the phone but then axel spoke.” Winter you’re the perfect weapon for his massive massacre of Los Angeles “ I stood there in shock  “the perfect weapon….” Replayed in my mind when sky took the phone and said “alright meets us there.” I walked back slowly to the bike still in shock my mind saying “I AM NOT PROPERTY I AM A KILLER WEAPON PLEASE THE ONLY WEAPON I NEED IS A KNIFE WITH YOUR BLOOD ON IT”. I could feel blood coming down from my eyes I knew it was just an illusion. But it seems so real sometime I think that there is something out there controlling me but its just insanity the cold and loneliness. I should have seen it coming but it came so fast I just snapped like a stick and I can’t be put back together. I can’t go back and I can’t put my new friends in danger so I have decided to end it all.
“Hurry up “ In my mind I was with skyline and winter back in a get away place with no worries. “ STOP” my insanity wanted to take away my daydream but it still went on. “STOP IT HURTS” insanity can’t stand my memories and my daydreams. I smiled and close my eyes for what have seemed forever but was only for a few seconds I seen winters lovely black hair those piercing blue eyes and that million dollar smile. I knew I had to open my eyes to see where I was going but I wanted to stay. Just then I hear skyline’s screams. I turn real sharp down this dirt road in rage. I have to save him he is my only family I have left.

The pain was all over I wanted to scream but I tried not to make a sound as she used her knife that cold knife. My body felt cold but I kept looking at her face as she worked so careful not trying to clause me pain.I hear something in the bushes so I jumped up to see what it is only to be brought down by pain Winter’s knife cut through my perfect skin. Axeline comes out from the woods on his bike running over towards me screaming “ WHAT DID YOU DO WINTER I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU” I Stopped him before he could go anywhere “ I am the one who jumped up to see what was in the bushes. while she was taking out the remains of bullets” Axeline looked at me with stress in his eyes and said “sorry “ to winter.  
I was in shock when skyline jumped up really fast. My blades cut through his skin I didn’t mean to. Then my insanity starts up again “YOU’RE A RETARD CUTTING AXELINE’S BROTHER ARE YOU INSANE DON’T ANSWER THAT BUT WOW JUST WOW”. “SHUT UP I DIDN’T MEAN TO” i screamed tears kept pouring out. Next I hear Axeline yelling at me about to rip my head off mad.I just got up in walked away but i was hurt so bad  I took off running as fast as I could.“Winter my darling why run away from the only thing that can protect you?” I said slowly with a smirk on my face “boss we have found Axeline and skyline.”  I laughed “finish them and make sure I have Axeline’s blood”  with that my Creature of the night vanished

“This is bad this is bad oh my god we lost Winter” I was saying to myself how could I been so evil? I was truly the monster of monsters.

I couldn’t go back I couldn’t face Axeline.Then I  heard a crash coming from the sky

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