Bright Light | Teen Ink

Bright Light

January 31, 2019
By Anonymous

Most people do not like the smell of a hospital, but ever since I was a child I have said that the aroma of a hospital was my home. When I told my mother I was pursuing the medical field, she became a nightmare. You’d think she’d be happy but nope, she wanted a lawyer. The image of studying law did not give me the full blown rush that I got with medicine. I had the urge to save lives since I was a little girl. I wanted to feel as if I were in a boxing ring, fighting an award winning boxer, but in this case the boxer was an organ that could stop working in milliseconds.

As an intern you see bizarre cases that make you sick inside and out, so when I walk the hallways, I always worry. But for some reason, a particular room was jamming my gut. I felt like something was extremely wrong.

The room number was 232. I could see a night nurse’s shift just beginning. At this moment I hoped my 20/20 vision worked after 24 long hours. What was this nurse’s name? I walked slowly towards her and kept feeling a jamming on my gut.

“Hello..” I said trying to look at her badge, “Ms. Susan.”

“Well hello Dr. Lizeeth.” She replied

“How long has room 232 been waiting and what is their current state of condition?”

“On the chart it says that they checked in around 6:30pm and it is now 8:00pm,” Ms. Susan said while handing me the chart, “You can take a look if you’d like.”

“Thank you very much.” I uttered.

I read her chart carefully and was confused. It was just a simple migraine that would not go away. Why am I persistent on thinking something is wrong? I slid the door, entering the cold dark room. In the corner sat a woman with jet black hair that looked like she had hair the height of a seven year old. At the other side of the room was the girl with the nasty headache that caused her pain. She was asleep, while tossing and turning.

“Is this Destiny Rode’s room?” I asked smiling while the woman only nodded, “Oh- I see she is resting, I am very sorry. My name is Dr. Lizeeth and I appreciate you two waiting for so long.”

“Thank you. My daughter has been struggling with this migraine for almost ten hours. I’m starting to get very worried.” The mother replied.

“10 hours? That doesn’t sound so nice,” I responded shocked. “ Have you by any chance gotten an MRI or a CAT scan in the past 6 months? “

“No doctor, we haven’t. Do you think it will be necessary?” The woman asked in a very concerned tone.

“I’m going to see if I can request a CAT scan to rule out any other possibilities.”

I left the room quietly and to go convince my Attendee to let me request the CAT scan. While walking, I saw a bright purple light. The light reminded me of round smooth plums. It was flowing left and right like it didn’t know where to go. I went into a supply closet that contained medical equipment. Somehow that same light followed me into the closet.

“Lizeeth I have been looking for you.” the light said in a strong tone.

I did not say a word. Standing there partly frozen, I rubbed my eyes. My guess was that I was finally going crazy after the 18 hours. But that was not the case. The light gilded closer and expanded closer to me. It went around my arms in form of a snake. It had a warmth that couldn’t be explained verbally, only physically. The light formed itself back into a ball and started going around the closet. Its rapid movement made my head feel as if it were spinning.

“I roam the hospital hallways and absorb the pain of others.” The light whispered.

The light started forming itself into a woman. Her skin was bright gold and her dress was a dark purple that touched the ground. Her big eyes looked at me with a smile. I felt her hand touch my shoulder and saw specs of gold dust fall onto my scrubs. What could be happening? All the sudden I saw black. Color came back to my eyes, but I was no longer in the closet. I was in a field of sunflowers with my sister, Mirah. She was laughing and smiling so big, while running around. I felt warmth and happiness. The woman lifted her hand from my shoulder and my sister was gone.

“That is the happiness I wish for all individuals.” The woman said.

That light would help me with my career. She should be the one who guides me to the ones who suffer most. Destiney recovered from her, “Migraine.” She had had a tumor, but the woman with magic; that I still cannot understand, made it small enough for our Neurological Attendant could remove it quickly and efficiently. The light stuck around with me every time when entering a patient’s room. When her warmth became cold, I knew that our little duo was going to look death in the eye and kiss it goodbye.

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