The 4 Elements | Teen Ink

The 4 Elements

January 23, 2019
By Checkers08142007, Independence, Oregon
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Checkers08142007, Independence, Oregon
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                                                                  The 4 Elements 

On one bad day, a man named Kragasil tried to take over the world and take control of the 4 elements: Fire, Water, earth, and Air.

But besides that, it was Elias’ birthday and he was turning 13 years old. His family was cooking hot dogs in the backyard. Suddenly an arrow came flying over the fence. Elias picked it up and brought it inside. It looked like it had a note. Elias was a curious kid, so he opened it and started reading it.  

It was handwritten, and this is what it said:

“We need help, but we need help from a human.

If you’re not a human, we don’t need your help.

If you are a human, come to 2007 Boulevard Street.”

The note wasn’t signed.

Elias threw it away and went back to partying with his family and eating hot dogs.

Meanwhile, our villain, Kragasil, was making a machine to take control of The Four Elements.

Back to Elias. He was in his bed and thinking about the note he throw into the trash and deciding if he should go or not. By the time he woke up the next morning, he had nothing else to do, so he decided he would go.

Elias packed up everything he thought he would need and walked out of the house. He didn’t know how to drive a car. He wasn’t allowed anyway. He walked up the sidewalk toward 2007 Boulevard Street.

Once he got there, Elias stopped to think. “Who am I trying to look for? What am I even doing here?”

Next to the building, he saw a dark, moist alleyway. He was just so curious. Just like he had to read the note, he had to go into the alley. Four men dressed all in black walked out from the shadows. Elias thought the men looked pretty suspicious until they walked into a bit of sunlight. Then they took off their black clothes. Underneath, they were dressed like superheroes.

“Um, are you guys who wrote the note and shot the arrow in my backyard?” Elias asked.

“Yes, are you Elias Meyer?”

“Yes, I am Elias,” said Elias, thinking what a strange, ordinary conversation this was. “Do you have any more questions for me?”

“Actually, yes,” said a big-armed hero in a purple cape, “will you be willing to help us on a mission to Kragasil base to stop him from take the world?”

Elias didn't what to go on the mission. Elias thinking it was a bad idea, but before Elias could say anything the four superheroes stopped him and said, “If you don’t, we’ll take all your hotdogs!!!”

Elias screamed, “Reeeeeee!” Diabolical. “Fine,” Elias said, “but, just so you know, I don't want to.”

Soon after, Elias and the superheroes were on there way to Kragasil base. It was a long journey to the other side of the Earth and the middle of the ocean. Elias and the superheroes had to take a boat.

“We’re going to find a boat,” said the slender superhero with fire spitting out of his head and feet but he can control the fire coming out

“Oh,” said Elias, “I think my grandad has one in his backyard.”

So the heroes were on there way to Elias’ grandad’s backyard. It was a long journey to the other side of the earth and  Elias’ grandad’s came out of his house after Elias was knocking at the but when he came out e had a shotgun in he hand ready to blow off someone head. But when he saw Elias he was smiling because Elias didn't come over a lot to his grandad house he was very sad and alone all the time his wife left him after they had Elias mom. So Elias was well come to come in any time he wanted but after Elias came in the superheroes were stopped by Elias grandpa he.

said I don't Know you guys you can not come in my house grabbing his shotgun and aiming it at the superhero heads. One of the superheroes step up he

said if you shot us shot me, Elias, stop his grandpa and

Said don't very loudly. Everybody just stop.put down the gun grandpa Elias said to his grandpa.

come in you guys.

let's go to the back yard and get the bout the superheroes followed Elias to the backyard. The superheroes and found the boat and pick it up and left Elias grandpa house with a mad face.About 1 hour later they were on the boat in the middle of the ocean on to Kragasil.

                                       You want more wait til part 2

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